Date of Birth16 August 1954, Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada
Birth NameJames Francis Cameron
NicknameIron Jim
Height6' 2" (1.88 m)
James Cameron was born in Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada, on August 16, 1954. He moved to the USA in 1971. The son of an engineer, he majored in physics at California State University but, after graduating, drove a truck to support his screen-writing ambition. He landed his first professional film job as art director, miniature-set builder, and process-projection supervisor on Roger Corman's Battle Beyond the Stars (1980) and debuted as a director with Piranha Part Two: The Spawning (1981) the following year.
In 1984, he wrote and directed The Terminator (1984), a futuristic action-thriller starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Biehn, and Linda Hamilton. It was a huge success. After this came a string of successful science-fiction action films such as Aliens (1986) and Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991). Cameron is now one of the most sought-after directors in Hollywood. He was formerly married to producer Gale Anne Hurd, who produced several of his films. He married Kathryn Bigelow in 1989.
SpouseSuzy Amis (4 June 2000 - present) 3 children Linda Hamilton (26 July 1997 - 1999) (divorced) 1 child Kathryn Bigelow (17 August 1989 - 1991) (divorced) Gale Anne Hurd (1985 - 1989) (divorced) Sharon Williams (14 February 1978 - 1984) (divorced)
Trade MarkStrong female characters.
Frequently casts Michael Biehn, Jenette Goldstein, Lance Henriksen, Bill Paxton, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
His films frequently feature scenes filmed in deep blues.
Plots or events involving nuclear explosions or wars
Likes to make nice/effective cuts
Likes to show close-up shots of feet or wheels, often trampling things
Tight/close-up tracking shots on vehicles, especially during chase scenes.
Brings camera in close during fight scenes, achieving a claustrophic effect.
Cameron's films tend to include broken, swinging flourescent lights, especially in fight scenes. See: The Abyss (1989), Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), True Lies (1994), and Strange Days (1995).
Often includes sequences in which a video monitor is the perspective of the camera. For example, the T-800's viewpoint in infrared in The Terminator (1984) and Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), the helmet cameras in Aliens (1986), Little Geek exploring the submarine in The Abyss (1989), television newscasts in The Abyss (1989), the surveilance cameras in True Lies (1994), and the SQUID sequences in Strange Days (1995) and Brock's "Geraldo Moment" at the beginning of _Titanic (1997) . He uses this perspective at least once in every movie he is tied with.
Often features shots of large explosions, crashes, gunshots, etc. in the background with people running away in the foreground. These shots were used heavily in Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) and True Lies (1994) but also in other films.
[Dreams] Often works dreams or characters sleeping into the plot.
His films tend to have scenes with elevators with something dangerous happening near or in them. In Aliens (1986), Ripley goes up and down a cargo elevator several times, exiting the complex and then going back while loading weapons to get Newt and then leaving with the Queen Alien following. The Queen Alien rides the elevator to follow Ripley. In Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), Sara sees the T-800 for the first time exiting an elevator. The T-1000 is shot from outside the elevator and then attacks Sara, John and the T-800 above it. In another scene, Sara, John and the T-800 crash in an elevator after an explosion on a higher floor. They are then gassed by the SWAT team at the bottom. In True Lies (1994), Harry enters an elevator on a horse in pursuit of a terrorist in the opposite elevator on a motorcycle. In Titanic (1997), Rose goes up an elevator with Jack to escape her fiancé. In another scene, Rose goes down an elevator to a flooded floor, filling it with water.
Utilizes slow motion in intense scenes or to intensify a scene
TriviaDaughter, with Hamilton, Josephine Archer Cameron born. [15 February 1993]
Brother of Mike Cameron.
According to Cameron, he got his big break while doing pick-up shots for Galaxy of Terror (1981) as 2nd unit director. He was shooting scenes of a dismembered arm teeming with maggots (actually mealworms). In order to make them move, he hooked up an AC power cord to the arm, and an unseen assistant would plug it in when the film was rolling. Two producers were strolling through, and when Cameron yelled "Action!" the worms began to writhe on cue. When he yelled "Cut!" the worms stopped. The producers were so amazed at his directing prowess that they began talking with him about bigger projects.
His production company is 'Lightstorm Entertainment'.
One of the founders of visual effects company 'Digital Domain'.
While editing Titanic (1997) Cameron had a razor blade taped to the side of the editing computer with the instructions written underneath: "Use only if film sucks!"
Jokingly refers to Titanic (1997) as his 190 Million Dollar "Chick Flick".
First director to film both a $100 million (_Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)_ ) and a $200 million (Titanic (1997)) movie.
Cameron is in talks with RKK Energia and MirCorp to pay his way on board the Mir space station (or the ISS, should Mir be deorbited). He has been given the medical green light, and has already ridden aboard the Ilushin-76 jet used to train cosmonauts for space missions. [September 2000]
Daughter Claire, with wife Suzy Amis, born. [4 April 2001]
Has a stepdaughter, Lolita De Palma, from Gale Anne Hurd's marriage to Brian De Palma.
Has a stepson named Jasper, from Suzy Amis' marriage to Sam Robards.
Lost a plagiarism lawsuit brought by Harlan Ellison involving the movie The Terminator (1984). Newer prints of the film acknowledge Ellison.
Went to elementary school in Chippawa, Ontario.
His films frequently depict children in some kind of danger.
First wife Sharon Williams got just $1,200 from Cameron in their divorce settlement.
The eldest of five children.
He has written a script for a film called Avatar. The script is 85 pages long and tells the story of Josh, a man who agrees of becoming a 'controller' on a distant planet populated by an alien race. However, the huge budget of $350 million grounded the project and it has yet to be produced (it would have boasted a photo-realistic CGI cast). This was one off the scripts on Empire Magazine's "Twelve Greatest Unproduced Scripts In Hollywood" list.
Security is provided by Gavin De Becker, author of "The Gift of Fear."
He and Suzy Amis are owners of Childspot!, an early childhood center in Wichita, Kansas which is operated by Suzy's sister, Rebecca Amis.
Wrote a screenplay for Spider-Man (2002) movie, but was turned down by the studios, due to the fact that his version of Spider-Man was "too violent". Sam Raimi's version got the green light instead.
Married one of his producers and two of his actresses.
Has made 4 films involving water: The Abyss (1989), Titanic (1997), Expedition: Bismarck (2002) (TV), and Ghosts of the Abyss (2003). His _Untitled James Cameron Project (2007)_ will be his 5th movie involving water.
His practice of testing his DPs by darkening the film originated on Aliens (1986). Cameron wanted to use a particular type of film stock, but cinematographer Dick Bush ignored him and used a different type. The end result being that the footage shot ended up being unusably dark. After Bush was fired due to an unrelated incident and Adrian Biddle took over, Cameron found some of the film in a storage cupboard and had the camera operators use it instead of the film Biddle had told them to use. Biddle noticed what was going on after the first take, and compensated with extra lighting, hoping to hide his "mistake" from Cameron, who owned up at the end of the day. Cameron later did the same to Mikael Salomon on The Abyss (1989) and to Russell Carpenter on True Lies (1994).
He is a huge Japanese anime fan, and the releasing studios often uses his opinion about the film on the DVD and VHS covers.
On the 14 March 2004 episode of "Inside the Actors Studio" (1994), Kate Winslet claimed her nude portrait for Leonardo DiCaprio in the Titanic (1997) was drawn by Cameron. She also said the artist's hand shown in a close-up was Cameron's.
The mandibles of the Predator from Predator (1987) were his idea.
One of only two people to have both written and directed an Alien movie. The other is Paul W.S. Anderson.
Co-created the newly high-definition video system with cinematographer Vince Pace that was recently used to film Ghosts of the Abyss (2003).
Got the nickname "Iron Jim" because of his stern, stubborn ways as a director.
A magazine article written about him in the 1980s described how he had three desks set up in his house. At one desk, he was writing the script to The Terminator (1984), on another, he was finishing the script to Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985) and on the third, he was writing Aliens (1986).
Often uses a helicopter in his films.
When he wrote an early script treatment for Spider-Man (2002), he had the idea of organic web-shooters. This was later included in Sam Raimi's film.
Often employs composers Brad Fiedel and James Horner to score his films.
He has developed a new generation stereo imaging camera called "The Fusion Camera"
The titles of his two current theatrical documentaries contain the titles of two of his previous films; the title of his documentary "Ghosts of the Abyss" contains the title of his previous film "The Abyss", and the title of his other documentary "Aliens of the Deep" contains the title of another one of his previous films, "Aliens".
Member of the American Cinema Editors (ACE).
The October 1987 draft of the screenplay for Alien Nation (1988) credits a rewrite to James Cameron. He is not credited in the final film.
Drew the picture of Rose (Kate Winslet) in the movie, _Titanic_ . The image was flipped so it would appear that Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) was drawing it with his right hand.
Was interested in remaking Planet of the Apes (1968), but his script was turned down. Another script was then developed and eventually made by Tim Burton in 2001.
Had daughter, Elizabeth Rose, with Suzi Amis born on 29 December 2006.
Considered directing "Solaris" (2002) but opted to produce instead. Job went to Steven Soderbergh.
The titles of his movies tend to begin with the letters "T" or "A". The Terminator (1984), Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), True Lies (1994) and Titanic (1997) all begin with a "T". While Aliens (1986), The Abyss (1989) begin with an "A" - and the upcoming Avatar (2009) also begins with an "A".
Personal Quotes"People call me a perfectionist, but I'm not. I'm a rightist. I do something until it's right, and then I move on to the next thing." can read all the books about film-making, all the articles in American Cinematographer and that sort of thing, but you have to really see how it works on a day-to-day basis, and how to pace your energy so that you can survive the film, which was a lesson that took me a long time to learn.
I was petrified at the start of Terminator. First of all, I was working with a star, at least I thought of him as a star at the time. Arnold came out of it even more a star.
I went from driving a truck to becoming a movie director, with a little time working with Roger Corman in between. When I wrote The Terminator, I sold the rights at that time - that was my shot to get the film made. So I've never owned the rights in the time that the franchise has been developed. I was fortunate enough to get a chance to direct the second film and do so on my own creative terms, which was good. But that was in 1991 and I've felt like it was time to move on. The primary reason for making a third one was financial, and that didn't strike me as organic enough a reason to be making a film.
Well, I see our potential destruction and the potential salvation as human beings coming from technology and how we use it, how we master it and how we prevent it from mastering us. Titanic was as much about that theme as the Terminator films, and in Aliens, it's the reliance on technology that defeats the marines, but it's technology being used properly that allows Sigourney's character to prevail at the end. And Titanic is all about technology, metaphorically as well as on a literal level, because the world was being transformed by the technology at that time. And people were rescued from the Titanic because of wireless technology, and because of the advances that had been made only in the year or so before the ship sank that allowed them to call for help when they were lost at sea in the middle of the North Atlantic. So I think it's an interesting theme, one that's always been fascinating for me...
A director's job is to make something happen and it doesn't happen by itself. So you wheedle, you cajole, you flatter people, you tell them what needs to be done. And if you don't bring a passion and an intensity to it, you shouldn't be doing it.
[on using newly developed 3D cameras, and traditional film] "If I never touch film again, I'd be happy. Filmmaking is not about film, not about sprockets. It's about ideas, it's about images, it's about imagination, it's about storytelling. If I had the cameras I'm using now when I was shooting Titanic (1997), I would have shot it using them."
"As much as I love Star Wars (1977) and as much as it's really revolutionized the imaging business, it went off the rails in the sense that science fiction, historically, was a science fiction of ideas. It was thematic fiction. It stopped being that and became just pure eye candy and pure entertainment. And I miss that. With Battle Angel (2007) I'm going to flirt with that darker, dystopian message as much as I can, without making it an art film."
[On the future of 3D] "With digital 3D projection, we will be entering a new age of cinema. Audiences will be seeing something which was never technically possible before the age of digital cinema - a stunning visual experience which 'turbocharges' the viewing of the biggest, must-see movies. The biggest action, visual effects and fantasy movies will soon be shot in 3D. And all-CG animated films can easily be converted to 3D, without additional cost if it is done as they are made. Soon audiences will associate 3D with the highest level of visual content in the market, and seek out that premium experience."
[Talking about the appeal of the Terminator]: "It's fun to fantasize being a guy who can do whatever he wants. This Terminator guy is indestructible. He can be as rude as he wants. He can walk through a door, go through a plate-glass window and just get up, brush off impacts from bullets. It's like the dark side of Superman, in a sense. I think it has a great cathartic value to people who wish they could just splinter open the door to their boss's office, walk in, break his desk in half, grab him by the throat and throw him out the window and get away with it. Everybody has that little demon that wants to be able to do whatever it wants, the bad kid that never gets punished."
[About dropping several sequences from the finished film of the Terminator]: "We had to cut scenes I was in love with in order to save money."
[About the budget for the original Terminator]: "They were extremely hesitant about going over $4 million. We convinced them this movie could not be made for less than $6 million, especially with Arnold Schwarzenegger starring, because he commanded a significant salary; the final shooting budget was actually $6.5 million."
"The only compelling reason for me to have done that film was a sense of pride of authorship. "Well, dammit, I did the first one and I did the second one and it's my creation and I should do the third one." But ultimately, that's a stupid reason to spend a year, year and a half of your life in hell to make a big movie. I'd rather spend a year of my life in hell to make something new, which is what I will be doing." - [about his reason to decline Terminator 3]
"So, what I said was, "If they come up with a decent script that you (Arnold Schwarzenegger) like and you think you can play, do something cool, and they pay you an awful lot of money, you should just go do it. Don't feel like you're betraying me or anything else."" - [about his view on Arnold Schwarzenegger for doing Terminator 3]
"I guess Titanic because it made the most money. No, I'm kidding. I don't really have a favorite. Maybe Terminator because that was the film that was the first one back when I was essentially a truck driver." - [about his favorite movie he directed]
"That was the purest experience, even though it was the cheapest one and the cheesiest looking one." - [about 'The Terminator' (1984)]
"I've always enjoyed it when it was John Woo in his Hong Kong days like Hard Boiled, but I think it's overused now." - [on Hong Kong film making styles]
"I don't look at scripts. I just write them."
"Basically because I had told the story. To make Terminator 3 was to make a 3." - [about his reason to decline Terminator 3]
"It just never really gelled and then the September 11th attacks happened and the idea of a domestic comedy adventure film about an anti-terrorism unit just didn't seem all that funny to me anymore." - [about his reason to decline True Lies 2]
"So, Spider-Man was obviously good casting for him (Sam Raimi). I mean, he was good casting to do Spider-Man. Would I have done it differently? Yeah, absolutely. It would've been a very different film, but that's the film you've never seen. I've seen it." - [on Sam Raimi's Spiderman]
"Of the three that we're planning, it's a question of the order, one's historical and two are science fiction. None are ocean." - [about his future projects]
[When he was the new hot screenwriter in the mid-1980s] "I haven't paid for lunch in two weeks."
[When interviewer asks if he thought he had a hit on his hands] "We had been dragged across a cheese grater, face down, for two solid years, and we thought we had the biggest money-losing film in history. Then we had our first preview screening in Minneapolis, and there was a woman sitting behind me - I had no idea who she was: a Minneapolis housewife, maybe - who narrated the entire film. She was like a Pez dispenser: everything just popped out of her mouth. I just kind of leant my chair back so I could hear what she was saying. I remember distinctly the moment when Jack and Rose are shaking hands when they are about to part, and Rose is saying, 'You're very presumptuous,' and the woman sitting behind me is saying, 'Yes, but you're not letting go of his hand, are you?' That was the moment when I knew the movie was communicating exactly the way it was meant to."
[on how he came up with the idea of "The Terminator"] "I would see these images of a metallic death figure rising Phoenix-like out of fire, I woke up and grabbed a pencil and paper and started writing. When I originally got the idea for Terminator, I was sick, I was broke, I was in Rome, I had no way to get home and I could barely speak the language. I was surrounded by people I could not get help from. I felt very alienated and so it was very easy for me to imagine a machine with a gun. At the point of the greatest alienation in my life, it was easy to create the character."
[on Robert Patrick's casting as the T-1000 in 'Terminator 2: Judgement Day'] "I wanted someone who was extremely fast and agile. If the T-800 is a human Panzer tank, then the T-1000 is a Porsche."
SalaryTitanic (1997) $115,000,000 ($600k for screenplay + $8m salary + backend participation)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
بیوگرافی لئوناردودیکاپریو

بابازیگری آشنا میشویم که در ابتدا به خاطر چهره زیبایش در فیلم های رمانتیک بازی میکرد
بسیاری از منتقدین در ابتدای کار این بازیگربر این باور بودند که این بازیگر صرفا به خاطر
چهره زیبایش در هالیوود راه پیدا کرده است اما این بازیگر ثابت کرد که بازیگری
بسیار توانا است می خواهیم با یکی از نامزدهای اسکار سال 2007آشنا شویم کسی که سال
2007 دو کار بزرگ داشت 1- الماس خونین 2-ازدست رفته بله درسته نامزد اسکار بهترین بازیگر مرد2007به خاطربازی در فیلم الماس خونین که متاسفانه نتوانست اسکار را بگیرد بله درسته می خواهیم با لئوناردو ويلهلم دي کاپريوآشنا شویم
نام:لئوناردو ويلهلم دي کاپريو
تاريخ تولد:۱۱ نوامبر1972
قد: ۱۸۵
مکان تولد: کاليفرنياي امريکا
پدر: جورج دي کاپريو:فروشنده کميک استريپ
مادر:ايرملين دي کاپريو:منشي دادگاه
خواهر: ادامدی کاپریو
نام مستعار: لئو
او بازیگری را در سال 1991 شروع کرد و بعد از فیلم پویزن آیوی در سال 1993 ادامه داد و سپس توجه رابرت دنیرو جلب کرد برای بازی فیلم زندگی و در این فیلم انتخاب شد .لئو ناردو گفته است که بازیگر مورد علاقه اش رابرت دنیرو است .بعد از این که لئو ناردو توانست در کنا ر بازیگر مورد علاقه اش یعنی رابرت دنیرو بازی کند تمام قدرت بازیگری خود را برای کارهای بعدی بکار گرفت لئوناردو چند روز خودش را در یک بیمارستان روانی زندانی کرد تا بتواند در فیلم چه چیز گیلبرت را می خورد بازی کند در این فیلم لئوناردو نقش برادر جانی دپ را بازی کرد لئو ناردو به خاطر بازی در این فیلم نامزد جایزه اسکار و گلدن کلاب بهتربن بازیگر نقش مکمل شد بسیاری دانند .او پس این علیرغم اعتباری که نامزدی جایزه اسکار برایش به ارمغان آورده بود چند سالی در دوران افول را می گذراند و درچند فیلم بی ارزش و کم فروش ظاهر شد که در این تنها استثنا فیلم چابک دست مرده ساخته سام ریمی (1996) است . شارون استون او را برای بازی در این فیلم پیشنهاد کرد و اولین رویکرد او به سینمای تجاری هالیوود است که به فروشش هم کمتر از حد انتظار بود. در سال 1996 بار دیگر رابرت دنیرو به سراغ دیکاپریو می آید . اوکه تنها تهیه کننده فیلم اتاق ماروین است در آن بازی هم می کند ، نقش یک جوان شرور و غیر قابل کنترل را به او پیشنهاد می کند این فیلم یکی ار کارهای قابل توجه لئوناردو است که در برابر بزرگانی چون مریل استریپ ،دایان کیتون و دنیرو بازی درخشانی ارائه داد.
سرانجام در سال 1997 لئوناردو بابازی در دو فیلم رومئو و ژولیت و تایتانیک تبدیل به محبوبترین و گرانترین بازیگر جهان می شود .وقتی از طرف جیمز کامرون پیشنهاد بازیگری فیلم تایتانیک به لئوناردو شد لئوناردو نمیدانست که با این فیلم به یک اسطوره تبدیل می شود تایتانیک جیمز کامرون عالم سینما را زیر و رو کرد. لئوناردو در کنار کیت وینسلت در این فیلم غوغا به پا کردند که هنوز هم پر فرو شترین فیلم جهان است. پس از تایتانیک لئوناردو کم کار کرد و اواخر سال 1997 فیلم مردی با نقاب آهنین اکران شد که فیلمی متوسط بود . دیکاپریو هم علی رغم بازی در دو نقش تقربیبا متضاد بازی متوسط داشت. بعد از آن لئو ناردو در چندین پروژ عظیم شرکت کردکه به آنها با ذکر دستمزد اشاره می کنیم ساحل سال ۲۰۰۰ مبلغ ۲۰ ميليون دلار دارودسته هاي نيويورک سال ۲۰۰۲ مبلغ ۱۰ ميليون دلار به اضافه درصدي از فروش اگه مي توني منو بگير ۲۰۰۲ مبلغ ۲۰ ميليون دلارکه در کنار تام هنکس این فیلم را بازی کرد
بعد از آن در فیلم شهرت ساخته وودی آلن بازی کرد
ودر سال 2007 دردواثر بزرگ بازی کرد یعنی 1-ازدست رفته با کارگردانی مارتین اسکورسیزی2-الماس خونین که به خاطرش کاندیدای اسکار بهترین بازیگر هالیوود شد ومتا سفانه نتوانست اسکار بگیرد و فارست ویتا کر این مقام را گرفت
بسیاری از منتقدین در ابتدای کار این بازیگربر این باور بودند که این بازیگر صرفا به خاطر
چهره زیبایش در هالیوود راه پیدا کرده است اما این بازیگر ثابت کرد که بازیگری
بسیار توانا است می خواهیم با یکی از نامزدهای اسکار سال 2007آشنا شویم کسی که سال
2007 دو کار بزرگ داشت 1- الماس خونین 2-ازدست رفته بله درسته نامزد اسکار بهترین بازیگر مرد2007به خاطربازی در فیلم الماس خونین که متاسفانه نتوانست اسکار را بگیرد بله درسته می خواهیم با لئوناردو ويلهلم دي کاپريوآشنا شویم
نام:لئوناردو ويلهلم دي کاپريو
تاريخ تولد:۱۱ نوامبر1972
قد: ۱۸۵
مکان تولد: کاليفرنياي امريکا
پدر: جورج دي کاپريو:فروشنده کميک استريپ
مادر:ايرملين دي کاپريو:منشي دادگاه
خواهر: ادامدی کاپریو
نام مستعار: لئو
او بازیگری را در سال 1991 شروع کرد و بعد از فیلم پویزن آیوی در سال 1993 ادامه داد و سپس توجه رابرت دنیرو جلب کرد برای بازی فیلم زندگی و در این فیلم انتخاب شد .لئو ناردو گفته است که بازیگر مورد علاقه اش رابرت دنیرو است .بعد از این که لئو ناردو توانست در کنا ر بازیگر مورد علاقه اش یعنی رابرت دنیرو بازی کند تمام قدرت بازیگری خود را برای کارهای بعدی بکار گرفت لئوناردو چند روز خودش را در یک بیمارستان روانی زندانی کرد تا بتواند در فیلم چه چیز گیلبرت را می خورد بازی کند در این فیلم لئوناردو نقش برادر جانی دپ را بازی کرد لئو ناردو به خاطر بازی در این فیلم نامزد جایزه اسکار و گلدن کلاب بهتربن بازیگر نقش مکمل شد بسیاری دانند .او پس این علیرغم اعتباری که نامزدی جایزه اسکار برایش به ارمغان آورده بود چند سالی در دوران افول را می گذراند و درچند فیلم بی ارزش و کم فروش ظاهر شد که در این تنها استثنا فیلم چابک دست مرده ساخته سام ریمی (1996) است . شارون استون او را برای بازی در این فیلم پیشنهاد کرد و اولین رویکرد او به سینمای تجاری هالیوود است که به فروشش هم کمتر از حد انتظار بود. در سال 1996 بار دیگر رابرت دنیرو به سراغ دیکاپریو می آید . اوکه تنها تهیه کننده فیلم اتاق ماروین است در آن بازی هم می کند ، نقش یک جوان شرور و غیر قابل کنترل را به او پیشنهاد می کند این فیلم یکی ار کارهای قابل توجه لئوناردو است که در برابر بزرگانی چون مریل استریپ ،دایان کیتون و دنیرو بازی درخشانی ارائه داد.
سرانجام در سال 1997 لئوناردو بابازی در دو فیلم رومئو و ژولیت و تایتانیک تبدیل به محبوبترین و گرانترین بازیگر جهان می شود .وقتی از طرف جیمز کامرون پیشنهاد بازیگری فیلم تایتانیک به لئوناردو شد لئوناردو نمیدانست که با این فیلم به یک اسطوره تبدیل می شود تایتانیک جیمز کامرون عالم سینما را زیر و رو کرد. لئوناردو در کنار کیت وینسلت در این فیلم غوغا به پا کردند که هنوز هم پر فرو شترین فیلم جهان است. پس از تایتانیک لئوناردو کم کار کرد و اواخر سال 1997 فیلم مردی با نقاب آهنین اکران شد که فیلمی متوسط بود . دیکاپریو هم علی رغم بازی در دو نقش تقربیبا متضاد بازی متوسط داشت. بعد از آن لئو ناردو در چندین پروژ عظیم شرکت کردکه به آنها با ذکر دستمزد اشاره می کنیم ساحل سال ۲۰۰۰ مبلغ ۲۰ ميليون دلار دارودسته هاي نيويورک سال ۲۰۰۲ مبلغ ۱۰ ميليون دلار به اضافه درصدي از فروش اگه مي توني منو بگير ۲۰۰۲ مبلغ ۲۰ ميليون دلارکه در کنار تام هنکس این فیلم را بازی کرد
بعد از آن در فیلم شهرت ساخته وودی آلن بازی کرد
ودر سال 2007 دردواثر بزرگ بازی کرد یعنی 1-ازدست رفته با کارگردانی مارتین اسکورسیزی2-الماس خونین که به خاطرش کاندیدای اسکار بهترین بازیگر هالیوود شد ومتا سفانه نتوانست اسکار بگیرد و فارست ویتا کر این مقام را گرفت
بیوگرافی ساندرا بولاک

بازیگران زیادی در هالیوود نقش ها را در شرایطی خاص بازی میکنند که وقتی بازی میکنند
انگار که آن شرایط مخصوص آن بازیگر است به طور مثال بعضی از بازیگران ساخته شده اند که فقط در فیلم دست به کشتو کشتار بزنند بعضی از بازیگران ساخته شده اند که نقش های احساسی بازی کنند بعضی از بازیگران نقش های عاشقانه بازی میکنند بعضی طنز در میان بازیگران مختلف هر بازیگر یک نقش مربوط به شرایط خاص را بهتر از یک نقش در شرایط دیگر بازی مکند به همین خاطر بازیگر به آن شرایط عادت میکند وکارگردان سعی میکند که نقشی بر مبنای آن شرایط به او بدهد
با این توضیحات به بازیگر زنی می پردازیم که اکثر مواقع او را در نقش زنی دیده ایم که در شرایط سخت گیر کرده ودنبال چاره جویی است با بازیگر مورد علاقه مردم آمریکا آشنا می شویم
بله تعجب نکنید این بازیگر طبق رای گیری های مردم جایزه بازیگر مورد علاقه از سوی مرد م را از آن خود کرده است
بعضی از منتقدین او را با مری پیکفورد مقایسه میکنند البته این نظر منتقدینی است که طرفدار او هستند البته ما منکر بازی زیبای او نمی شویم اما در حد مری پیکفورد نیست با این توضیحات ومقایسه معلوم شد که می خواهیم با کدام بازیگر هالیوود آشنا شویم بله در این بیوگرافی به ساندرا بولاک می پردازیم
متولد:26جولای سال 1964در آرلینکتون
او دختر بزرگتر یک خواننده کلیسا بود ساندرااولین امتحان های بازیگری خود را وقتی هنوز کودک بود در آگهی های تجاری پس داد . در بازگشت به ایالت متحده . او به دبیرستانی در ویرجنیا رفت پس از فارغ التحصیلی از دانشگاه کارولینای شرقی ، بولاک به نیویورک رفت ، جایی که حرفه بازیگری را جدی تر دنبال کرد. او کارش را با تعدادی تولیدات صحنه ای آغاز کرد و این کار به نام no time flat بود که بولاک را با نقدهای مثبت بسیاری روبرو کرد که درآن نقش یک دختر زیبا و جنوبی را ایفا کرد و از آن پس وارد آژانس بازیگریابی می شود
ساندرا همانند بازیگران بزرگی چون جورج کلونی جنیفر آنیستون و وینس واگون و...کارش را با فعالیت در تلویزیون دنبال کرد که از آن میان می توان به مجموعه های مرد شش ملیون دلاری و زن اتمی درسال 1989 اشاره کرد که او را به لوس آنجلس معرفی کرد و حتی نقشی که قرار بود ملانی گریفیت در نسخه تلویزیونی دختر کاری ایفا کند از چنگش درمی آورد. اما اولین حضور رسمی و جدی او را باید با بازی در عشق ...شماره 90 محصول 1992 دانست. بولاک این موفقیت را با یک نقش مشابه در چیزی به نام عشق همان سال ادامه می دهد. جالب آنکه موفقیت بزرگ او همان سال درست زمانی روی می دهد که در آخرین دقایق جایگزینی لوری پتی در مرد ویرانگر مقابل سیلوستر استالون می شود در آن فیلم ساندرا لباس بسیار گران قیمتی به تن داشت که خیاطان بسیار برای آن زحمت کشیده بودند وبرازنده ساندرا بود که متاسفانه به خاطر بازیگوشی های ساندرا و سیلوستر از بین رفت ، اگر چه نقش او در مقابل استالون زمانش کوتاه بود و چندان کاری نداشت ، اما مورد توجه تهیه کننده ای به نام جوئل سیلور قرار می گیرد که ا.و را به یان دی بانت کارگردان معرفی می کند . دی بانت در آن هنگام مشغول تست بازیگران مختلف برای فیلم سراسر اکشن سرعت بود اومی گوید برای نقش آنی به دنبال بازیگر قدرتمندی می گردد و با دیدن بولاک سریعا نقش را به او می دهد. بولاک در کنار کیانو ریوز قرار می گیرد ، اما تهیه کننده کار می گوید برای نقش دنبال یک خانم بلوند می گشت با حضور بولاک مخالفت می کند تا اینکه با اصرار های دی بانت نقش به ساندرا می رسد و سرعت ساخته می شود، فیلم که نه تنها به فروش خیره کننده ای دست پیدا کرد بلکه باعث شد تا بولاک به عنوان یک قهرمان خانم شناخته و معروف شود . تاجایی که بولاک در یک مصاحبه گفت من اصلا یک ملیون سال هم فکر نمی کردم که یک اتوبوس درهای موفقیت را برای من باز کند. اما درهای باز شده بولاک به سرعت برای کمدی رومانتیک سال با نام وقتی که خواب بودی پذیرفته می شود فیلم یک موفقیت همزمان تجاری و هنری بود که بولاک آن را با اقتباس سینمایی زمانی برای کشتن اثر جان گریشام ادامه داد که در آن با اشلی جاد و میتومک کوناهی همبازی بود.موفقیت فیلم این مساله را تضمین کرد که دوره لذت بردن بولاک از کار و زندگی فرا رسیده و او حالا به راحتی در آثار دلخواهی چون در میان عشق و جنگ (1996) و « Two » در همان سال بازی کرد. سال 97 همراه شد با دنباله ای بر سرعت که تحت عنوان سرعت 2 (کنترل سفر دریایی) به نمایش در آمد از بخت بد کارشکست خورد اما بولاک تسلیم نشد. همان سال بولاک در کمدی رومانتیک جادوی علمی در مقابل نیکول کیدمن قرار می گیرد فیلم موفقیت دیگری به کارنامه اش می افزاید و بولاک دوباره روی بورس می افتد . نیروهای طبیعت در سال 99 شکست می خورد و بولاک کارها را رها می کند تا سال2000 برسد. در سال2000 او چندین کار را می پذیرد ابتدا کمدی هفت تیرکش خجالتی و بعد 28 روز که هر دو تا حدودی موفق عمل می کنند . به دنبالش در کار موفق دختر شایسته ظاهر می شود که در آن نقش یک مامور اف بی آی را داشت که تحت پوشش شرکت کننده ای در مراسم دختر شایسته آمریکا می خواهد مانع از یک بمب گذاری بشود . سال 2002 در جنایت از روی شماره ایفای نقش می کند
ساندرادر سال 2006 فیلم پر سرو صدای
The Lake Houseرا
در کنار کیانو ریوز بازی کرد که فروش زیادی داشت البته لازم به ذکر است که در این فیلم شهره آغداشلوبازیگر ایرانی بازی کرد که به خاطر این بازی نامزد در یافت اسکار برای نقش مکمل زن شد که نتوانست آن را بگیرد
بیوگرافی درو بریمور

درو بریمور
نام کامل :درو بلیث بریمور
نام پدر:جان بریمور
نام مادر:جیدبریمور
نام پدر خوانده:استیون اسپیلبرگ
محل تولد: کالور سیتی
تاریخ تولد: 22 فوریه 1975
بازیگری که نکات جالبی در زندگی او وجود داشته است او در خانوادای بسیار معروف بزرگ شده بدترین دوران کودکی ونوجوانی را او داشته است او یکی از محدود ترین بازیگرانی است که در شیر خوارگی به بازیگری پرداخته بله تعجب نکنید او در یازده ماهگی اولین فیلم خود را بازی کرده است بعد از آن در سن 2 سالگی عشق ناگهانی را بازی کرد. خوب به زندگی او می پردازیم
او دوران نوجوانی خوبی نداشته و مشکلات زیادی را برای خودش به وجود آورده است .
درو در سن 9 سالگی الکل و در سن 10 سالگی ماری جوانا مصرف کرد و بعد از این به سراغ کوکائین رفت و با به نمایش گذاشتن عکسهای غیر اخلاقی خود در این سن و سال کم، مشکلات زیادی را برای خود به وجود آورد. بعد از این موضوعها والدینش او را مجبور کردند تحت درمان قرار بگیرد اما درو از بیمارستان فرار می کند. بعد از چند روز مجبور می شود دوباره به خانه بازگردد .او دوباره به بیمارستان برده می شود مورد درمان قرار می گیرد .
او در جولای 1989 اقدام به خودکشی ناموفقی می زند که این عمل او سبب بازگشت مجدد او به بیمارستان برای درمان می شود. بعد از این اقدام تصمیم می گیرد تا از خانواده اش جدا شود .و کار بازیگری خود را ادامه دهد در سال 1996 نقشی کوچکی را در فیلم جیغ ایفا می کند و بازی تحسین برانگیز او در فیلم «همه می گویند تو را دوست دارم » در جه بازیگری او را بالا می برد.
بازی او در بلاک باستر فرشتگان چارلی ،به شهرتی جهانی رسید. بعد از این در فیلم هایی چون رانندگی با پسرها و اعتراف یک ذهن خطرناک ایفای نقش کرده است البته فرشتگان چارلی1 آنچنان که باید شاید نظر منتقدان را به خود جلب نکرد اما هیچی از ارزشهای درو را کم نکرد
او در این فیلم ها دستمزد های هنگفتی گرفت به طور مثال:در فیلم فرشتگان چارلی1حدود 9000000دلار دستمزد گرفت و برای اعتراف یک ذهن خطرناک حدود 500000 دلار گرفت
او یکی از پول سازترین بازیگران تاریخ سینماست ودر هر نقشی می تواند بازی کند هم درام وهم کمدی
درو نکات جالبی در زندگی خود دارد که هر از چند گاهی مطبو عات به آن می پردازند
به طور مثال:خلکوبیهای او که در 6 جای بدنش موجوداست(1 - صلیب روی قوزک پا 2 - یک ماه آبی روی شصت پای راست 3 - یک پروانه در زیر ناف 4 - یک گل 5- صلیبی که بوسیله یک فرشته نگه داشته شده در پشتش با نام دوست پسر قدیمیش ! جیمی 6 – صلیبی با همان شکل پایین تر از قبلی و در سمت راست با نام مادرش جید)
نام کامل :درو بلیث بریمور
نام پدر:جان بریمور
نام مادر:جیدبریمور
نام پدر خوانده:استیون اسپیلبرگ
محل تولد: کالور سیتی
تاریخ تولد: 22 فوریه 1975
بازیگری که نکات جالبی در زندگی او وجود داشته است او در خانوادای بسیار معروف بزرگ شده بدترین دوران کودکی ونوجوانی را او داشته است او یکی از محدود ترین بازیگرانی است که در شیر خوارگی به بازیگری پرداخته بله تعجب نکنید او در یازده ماهگی اولین فیلم خود را بازی کرده است بعد از آن در سن 2 سالگی عشق ناگهانی را بازی کرد. خوب به زندگی او می پردازیم
او دوران نوجوانی خوبی نداشته و مشکلات زیادی را برای خودش به وجود آورده است .
درو در سن 9 سالگی الکل و در سن 10 سالگی ماری جوانا مصرف کرد و بعد از این به سراغ کوکائین رفت و با به نمایش گذاشتن عکسهای غیر اخلاقی خود در این سن و سال کم، مشکلات زیادی را برای خود به وجود آورد. بعد از این موضوعها والدینش او را مجبور کردند تحت درمان قرار بگیرد اما درو از بیمارستان فرار می کند. بعد از چند روز مجبور می شود دوباره به خانه بازگردد .او دوباره به بیمارستان برده می شود مورد درمان قرار می گیرد .
او در جولای 1989 اقدام به خودکشی ناموفقی می زند که این عمل او سبب بازگشت مجدد او به بیمارستان برای درمان می شود. بعد از این اقدام تصمیم می گیرد تا از خانواده اش جدا شود .و کار بازیگری خود را ادامه دهد در سال 1996 نقشی کوچکی را در فیلم جیغ ایفا می کند و بازی تحسین برانگیز او در فیلم «همه می گویند تو را دوست دارم » در جه بازیگری او را بالا می برد.
بازی او در بلاک باستر فرشتگان چارلی ،به شهرتی جهانی رسید. بعد از این در فیلم هایی چون رانندگی با پسرها و اعتراف یک ذهن خطرناک ایفای نقش کرده است البته فرشتگان چارلی1 آنچنان که باید شاید نظر منتقدان را به خود جلب نکرد اما هیچی از ارزشهای درو را کم نکرد
او در این فیلم ها دستمزد های هنگفتی گرفت به طور مثال:در فیلم فرشتگان چارلی1حدود 9000000دلار دستمزد گرفت و برای اعتراف یک ذهن خطرناک حدود 500000 دلار گرفت
او یکی از پول سازترین بازیگران تاریخ سینماست ودر هر نقشی می تواند بازی کند هم درام وهم کمدی
درو نکات جالبی در زندگی خود دارد که هر از چند گاهی مطبو عات به آن می پردازند
به طور مثال:خلکوبیهای او که در 6 جای بدنش موجوداست(1 - صلیب روی قوزک پا 2 - یک ماه آبی روی شصت پای راست 3 - یک پروانه در زیر ناف 4 - یک گل 5- صلیبی که بوسیله یک فرشته نگه داشته شده در پشتش با نام دوست پسر قدیمیش ! جیمی 6 – صلیبی با همان شکل پایین تر از قبلی و در سمت راست با نام مادرش جید)
بیوگرافی کیت وینسلت

کیت وینسلت
نام اصلی:کیت الیزابت وینسلت
تاریخ تولد:5 اکتبر1975
محل تولد:لندن
بسیاری از مردم وقتی اسم کشتی میآید به یاد تایتانیک وبه یاد بازی زیبای کیت وینسلت می افتند فراگیری سریع روخوانیانگلیسی در کودکی باعث شد تا او با تئاتر از زمان کودکی آشنا شود بسیاری از مردممخصوصا مردم ایران به اشتباه فکر میکنند که تایتانیک اولین فیلم کیت است ولی این گونه نیست کیتابتدا در سن 11 سالگی شروع به بازی در تبلیغات تلویزیونیکرد.
کیت از سن 11 سالگی تحصیل در رشته نمایش (تئاتر) را آغاز کرد . اولین کار حرفه ایاو در همین سال در تلویزیون انگلیس به نمایش در آمد . او سپس به دبیرستان هنر هایبازیگری رفت و با عزم و اراده به سوی بازیگر حرفه ای شدن گام برداشت نقش هایی درنمایش درام تلویزیونی چروک (1988) ، مجموعه های تلویزیونی تصادف (1989) ، فصل تاریک(1991) ، برگشتن (1992) و رفتارهای انگلوساکسون (1993) بازی کرد. بعد از فارغالتحصیلی در سال 1991 او ورود به دنیای بازیگری حرفه را آغاز کرد . اولین کار جدیاو حضور موفقش در فیلم Heavenly creaturesدرسال 1994 بود . کارگردان این فیلم peter jaksonو بازیگر نقش اول آن melanie lynskeyبود . ویسپس در فیلم های A kid in king arthur's court,judeو Hamletایفای نفش کرد . در تمامی این فیلم ها جزjudeایفاگر نقش های دوم به بعد بوددر بسیاری ازنقاط جهان کیت را با فیلم تایتانیک میشناسند فیلمی که تا کنون پر فروشترین فیلمهالیوود بوده است .کیت وینسلت به همراه لئوناردو دیکاپریو دو بازیگربزرگ فیلم عظیمتایتانیک بودند و از آن هنگام تا به حال شهرت خود را مدیون تایتانیک و جیمز کامرونهستند . کیت وینسلت در نوامبر سال 1998 با جیم تراپتس - دستیار دوم فیلم ( عوضیبدقیافه ) که قبل ار تایتانیک ساخته شده بود ازدواج کرد
تایتانیک به کارگردانی james cameronو بازیleonardo dicaprioانقلابی در فستیوالها به پاکرد و تمامی جوایز را یکجا درو کرد . بعد از تایتانیک kateدر فیلمهای بسیاری ایفای نقش کرد که از کارهای موفق وی باید یهHideous Kinky , Murdoch ,The Life of Dvied Gale, J.M Barrie's Neverlandاشاره کرد.
کیت همچنین دوبلوریدو کارتون به نامهای( Faeries2000) و Christmas Carol :The Movie
رانیز در کارنامه هنری خود ثبت کرده است.
نام اصلی:کیت الیزابت وینسلت
تاریخ تولد:5 اکتبر1975
محل تولد:لندن
بسیاری از مردم وقتی اسم کشتی میآید به یاد تایتانیک وبه یاد بازی زیبای کیت وینسلت می افتند فراگیری سریع روخوانیانگلیسی در کودکی باعث شد تا او با تئاتر از زمان کودکی آشنا شود بسیاری از مردممخصوصا مردم ایران به اشتباه فکر میکنند که تایتانیک اولین فیلم کیت است ولی این گونه نیست کیتابتدا در سن 11 سالگی شروع به بازی در تبلیغات تلویزیونیکرد.
کیت از سن 11 سالگی تحصیل در رشته نمایش (تئاتر) را آغاز کرد . اولین کار حرفه ایاو در همین سال در تلویزیون انگلیس به نمایش در آمد . او سپس به دبیرستان هنر هایبازیگری رفت و با عزم و اراده به سوی بازیگر حرفه ای شدن گام برداشت نقش هایی درنمایش درام تلویزیونی چروک (1988) ، مجموعه های تلویزیونی تصادف (1989) ، فصل تاریک(1991) ، برگشتن (1992) و رفتارهای انگلوساکسون (1993) بازی کرد. بعد از فارغالتحصیلی در سال 1991 او ورود به دنیای بازیگری حرفه را آغاز کرد . اولین کار جدیاو حضور موفقش در فیلم Heavenly creaturesدرسال 1994 بود . کارگردان این فیلم peter jaksonو بازیگر نقش اول آن melanie lynskeyبود . ویسپس در فیلم های A kid in king arthur's court,judeو Hamletایفای نفش کرد . در تمامی این فیلم ها جزjudeایفاگر نقش های دوم به بعد بوددر بسیاری ازنقاط جهان کیت را با فیلم تایتانیک میشناسند فیلمی که تا کنون پر فروشترین فیلمهالیوود بوده است .کیت وینسلت به همراه لئوناردو دیکاپریو دو بازیگربزرگ فیلم عظیمتایتانیک بودند و از آن هنگام تا به حال شهرت خود را مدیون تایتانیک و جیمز کامرونهستند . کیت وینسلت در نوامبر سال 1998 با جیم تراپتس - دستیار دوم فیلم ( عوضیبدقیافه ) که قبل ار تایتانیک ساخته شده بود ازدواج کرد
تایتانیک به کارگردانی james cameronو بازیleonardo dicaprioانقلابی در فستیوالها به پاکرد و تمامی جوایز را یکجا درو کرد . بعد از تایتانیک kateدر فیلمهای بسیاری ایفای نقش کرد که از کارهای موفق وی باید یهHideous Kinky , Murdoch ,The Life of Dvied Gale, J.M Barrie's Neverlandاشاره کرد.
کیت همچنین دوبلوریدو کارتون به نامهای( Faeries2000) و Christmas Carol :The Movie
رانیز در کارنامه هنری خود ثبت کرده است.
بیوگرافی کاترینازتاجونز

متولد: متولد 25 سپتامبر 1969 در سوانسی واقع در گلامورگان غربی درولز
نام همسر:هنرپیشه معروف مایکل داگلاس
او با بازی در نمایش موزیکال خیابان 24 طعم هنر نمایی را چشید ،اما در اصل حضور در مجموعه کمدی درام شکوفه عزیز ماه می محصول تلویزیونی یور کشایر بود که توانست نام او را روی زبانها بیاندازد ،داستان این مجموعه برداشتی بود از سری نوول های اچ.ای.بیتس که توانست یک موقعیت کم نظیر بشود و کاترین را به یکی از عامه پسندترین هنرپیشه های زن تلویزیون بریتانیا تبدیل کند .
کاترین با موهای تیره و چشمان قهوهای و چهره ای خاص این قابلیت را داشت که در عرصه گوناگونی از نقش ها بازی کند
. پس از موفق شدن سری اول مجموعه او به صحنه نمایش بازگشت و سپس در مینی سریال کاترین کبیر به بازی پرداخت
به گفته خیلی ها کاترین زیبا ترین بازیگرغیرآمریکایی هالیووداست زیرا بسیاری از منتقدین او را خوش استیل ترین بازیگر زن میدانند(البته این نظر دوستداران او است)
اولین فیلم سینمایی خود را با عنوان شهرزاد با کاگردانی فیلیپ دی بروکا در سال 1990 بازی کرد و این دی بروکا بود که او را روی صحنه نمایش کشف کرد . کاترین در ادامه بازی در نقش های مکمل چندین فیلم را دنبال کرد که از میان آنها می توان به کریستف کلمب کاشف 1992 و نقشی طولانی تر در فیلم شبح 96 اشاره کرد.پس از بازی در نقش النا مقابل آنتونی هاپکینز و آنتینوبانداراس در نقاب زرو (98) به یک چهره بین المللی تبدیل گشت
او که یک خواننده مستعد نیز هست به طور رسمی یا گروه اپرای ملی انگلستان نیز همکاری دارد . کاترین در اواخر سالهای نود با بازی در آثار قابل توجهی چون دام افکنده در مقابل شان کانری ، روح زدگی ، و ترافیک نام خود را به عنوان بازیگری مطرح تثبیت کرد و توانست با اسکاری که به خاطر حضور در شیکاگو که اقتباسی از نمایش پر زرق و برق در صحنه برادوی بودطرفداران زیاذی را برای خود پیدا کند
کاترین در سال 2000 با مایکل داگلاس هنر پیشه معروف ونسبتاپیرازدواج کردنام آنها در بین زوج های طلایی هالیوود وجود دارد
اخیرا به گوش می رسد که کاترین دچار افسردگی شدید شده است که مایکل داگلاس این موضوع را رد کرده است اما بعضی از نشریات معتبر خبر از آوردن چندین پزشک خبره توسط داگلاس برای بهبود کاترین می دهند
متولد: متولد 25 سپتامبر 1969 در سوانسی واقع در گلامورگان غربی درولز
نام همسر:هنرپیشه معروف مایکل داگلاس
او با بازی در نمایش موزیکال خیابان 24 طعم هنر نمایی را چشید ،اما در اصل حضور در مجموعه کمدی درام شکوفه عزیز ماه می محصول تلویزیونی یور کشایر بود که توانست نام او را روی زبانها بیاندازد ،داستان این مجموعه برداشتی بود از سری نوول های اچ.ای.بیتس که توانست یک موقعیت کم نظیر بشود و کاترین را به یکی از عامه پسندترین هنرپیشه های زن تلویزیون بریتانیا تبدیل کند .
کاترین با موهای تیره و چشمان قهوهای و چهره ای خاص این قابلیت را داشت که در عرصه گوناگونی از نقش ها بازی کند
. پس از موفق شدن سری اول مجموعه او به صحنه نمایش بازگشت و سپس در مینی سریال کاترین کبیر به بازی پرداخت
به گفته خیلی ها کاترین زیبا ترین بازیگرغیرآمریکایی هالیووداست زیرا بسیاری از منتقدین او را خوش استیل ترین بازیگر زن میدانند(البته این نظر دوستداران او است)
اولین فیلم سینمایی خود را با عنوان شهرزاد با کاگردانی فیلیپ دی بروکا در سال 1990 بازی کرد و این دی بروکا بود که او را روی صحنه نمایش کشف کرد . کاترین در ادامه بازی در نقش های مکمل چندین فیلم را دنبال کرد که از میان آنها می توان به کریستف کلمب کاشف 1992 و نقشی طولانی تر در فیلم شبح 96 اشاره کرد.پس از بازی در نقش النا مقابل آنتونی هاپکینز و آنتینوبانداراس در نقاب زرو (98) به یک چهره بین المللی تبدیل گشت
او که یک خواننده مستعد نیز هست به طور رسمی یا گروه اپرای ملی انگلستان نیز همکاری دارد . کاترین در اواخر سالهای نود با بازی در آثار قابل توجهی چون دام افکنده در مقابل شان کانری ، روح زدگی ، و ترافیک نام خود را به عنوان بازیگری مطرح تثبیت کرد و توانست با اسکاری که به خاطر حضور در شیکاگو که اقتباسی از نمایش پر زرق و برق در صحنه برادوی بودطرفداران زیاذی را برای خود پیدا کند
کاترین در سال 2000 با مایکل داگلاس هنر پیشه معروف ونسبتاپیرازدواج کردنام آنها در بین زوج های طلایی هالیوود وجود دارد
اخیرا به گوش می رسد که کاترین دچار افسردگی شدید شده است که مایکل داگلاس این موضوع را رد کرده است اما بعضی از نشریات معتبر خبر از آوردن چندین پزشک خبره توسط داگلاس برای بهبود کاترین می دهند
بیوگرافی آل پاچینو

نام: آلفردو پاچینو(آل پاچینو)
متولد : ۲۵ آوريل ۱۹۴۰ در نيويورك امريكا
بازيگر نويسنده و كارگردان وتهیه كننده
وقتي كه او نوزاد بود پدرش خانواده را ترك كرد.زحمات مشفقانه پدر وبزرگ و مادر بزرگ به همراه مادر آلفردكوچولو را تا سنين جواني همراهي كرد.آنها در يكي از محل هاي پايين شهر منهتن زندگي سختي را سپري مي كردند.از كودكي عاشق بازيگري بود هرچند مجبور بود براي در آوردن خرج خانواده خود هركاري بكند. از جمله كارهاي وي كنترل بيليت در تئاتر و كارگري ساختمان بود. كارهاي سخت او را از اشتياقش براي بازيگري كم نكرد تا آنجا كه تصميم به ثبت نام در استديو هربرت برگوف كرد كه كار آن كشف استعداد و پرورش بازيگري و تئاتر در نوجوانا ن بود . در ۱۷ سالگي به
همراه مادرش به روستايي در گرينويچ نقل مكان كرد.در آنجا هم تمرينات بازيگري خود را ادامه داد.در سال ۱۹۶۰و در حالي كه ۲۰ساله شده بود سر انجام در يك تئاتر به صحنه رفت.در حالي كه كارگردان آن ار مربيش چارلز
لاتون بود. اين تئاتر سكويي براي حركت وي به بالاتر شدو در همين سالها بود كه او به آرزوي بازيگري دست يافت ودر دو فيلم پياپي به ميدان رفت.اين
دو فيلم باعث پيشنهاد هاي بيشتر از طرف كارگردانان و تهيه كنندگان ديگر سينما شد
هیچکس درابتدا فکر نمیکرد که این پسر جوان کوتاه قد وخوش صورت به بازیگری اسطوره ای در آمریکا تبدیل شود
توانايي بالاي وي به سرعت او را به بالاترين قله هاي بازيگري برد .حال ديگر نه تنها او يك فرد فقير نبود بلكه در سال ۱۹۶۷ به عنوان يكي از توليد كندگان فيلم با موسسه اي در بوستون همكاري كرد. و در فيلم هايي چون (تشويق امريكايي) و (بيدار شدن و آواز خواندن) سرمايه گذاري كرد.حالا ديگر او فقط
يك بازيگر نبود. در سال ۱۹۶۸ در حالي كه ۲۸ ساله شده بود به نيويورك بازگشت و اولين فعاليت سينمايش رابا بازي در فيلم (يك هندي در جستجوي برونكس) آغاز كرد.و اولين جايزه سينمايي خود را به عنوان بهترين بازيگر رد از جشنواره (اوباي) دريافت كرد. و يك سال بعد بخاطر بازي در فيلم (آيا ببر قلاده ميبنده؟) از جنواره توني جايزه بهترين بازيگر نقش
مكمل مرد را دريافت كرد. و در همان سال سومين جايزه خود را از هيئت منتخب نرمندان تئاتر به عنوان بهتين بازيگر تازه وارد دريافت كرد. تا اين افتخارات فقط براي دو سال وي بوده باشد.بدون شك او اسطوره جاويد تاريخ سينماخواهد بود ومردي كه در ۶۶سالگي
هنوز هم بازيگريش چشم ها را خیره می کند
تعدادی از فیلم های او
1) مراه ناتالي 19692) گردش در نيدل پارك 19713) پدر خوانده 19724) مترسك 19735) سرپيكو 19736) پدر خوانده (2) 1974
7) بعد از ظهر نحس 19758) بابي دير فيلد 19779) و عدالت براي همه 197910) گشت زدن 198011) نويسنده!نويسنده! 198212) صورت زخمي 198313) انقلاب 198514) درياي عشق 1989
15) ديك تريسي 199016) رسواي محله 199017) پدر خوانده (3) 199018) حقيقت يا شجاعت 199119) فرانكي و جاني 199120) كلاه حصيري 199221) بوي خوش زن 199222) راه كارليتو 199323) بازيگران فوق ستاره 199324) جوناس در كوير 199425) مخمصه 199526) دوتكه 199527) تالار شهر(شهرداري) 199628) تماشاچي ريچارد 199629) داني براسكو 199730) مدرك فرانسوي 199731) وكيل مدافع شيطان 199732) محرم راز 199933) هر يكشنبه موعود 199934) پرتاب 200135) آمريكا يعني احترام به قهرمانان 200136) كافه چيني ها 200237) بي خوابي 200238) سيمونه 200239) مردمي كه من ميشناسم 200240) تازه ار 200341) فرشتگان در امريكا 200342) گيكلي 200343) تاجر ونيزي 2005
44) ماه بي اعتبار 200545) 88 دقيقه 2005
فهرست جوایزی که آل پاچینو گرفته است
1- بهترين بازيگر نقش اول مرد از nsfca براي فيلم پدر خوانده 1973بهترين بازيگر نقش اول مرد از bsfc براي فيلم داني براسكو 1997 2- بهترين بازيگر مرد فيلم درام از گلدن گلاب براي فيلم سرپيكو 19753- بهترين بازيگر نقش اول مرد از lafca براي فيلم بعد از ظهر نحس 19764- بهترين بازيگر نقش اول مرد از جشنواره سن سباستين براي فيلم بعد از ظهر نحس 19765- بهترين بازيگر نقش اول مرد از بافتا براي فيلم پدر خوانده(2) 19766- بهترين بازيگر مرد فيلم درام از گلدن گلاب براي فيلم بوي خوش زن 19937- بهترين بازيگر نقش اول مرد از اسكار براي فيلم بوي خوش زن 19938- بهترين بازيگرسال سينماي جهان شير طلايي 19949- بهترين بازيگر تمام دوران سينما گاتهام 1996
بیوگرافی آنجلینا جولی

زندگینامه هنری آنجلینا جولی
نام : آنجلینا جولی ویت
تولد : چهارم ژوئن سال ۱۹۷۵ درلس آنجلس
پدر : جان ویتJon Voight
مادر : مارچلین برترندMarchelin Bertrand
همسر : در حال حاضر براد پیت
مشخصه : چشمان درشت و گیرا و لبهای برجسته
به گفته بسیاری از بزرگان سینمای هالیوود آنجلینا بازیگر بزرگی است اما ای کا ش کمتر به هرزگی در فیلم هایش می پرداخت.
بعد از لیو تایلر (Live Tyler) آنجلینا جولی تنها هنر پیشه زن نسل خود است که به خاطر لبهایش که آن را از پدرش به ارث برده است شهرت دارد.
آنجلینا جولی ویت فرزند دو هنرپیشه معروف جان ویتJon Voight و مارچلین برترندMarchelin Bertrand در چهارم ژوئن سال 1974 درلس آنجلس به دنیا آمد .
پس از جدایی والدینش مادرش سرپرستی او را به عهده گرفت . پیش از آنکه برای همیشه در نیویورک ساکن شود به همراه مادر و برادرش به شهرهای مختلف از جمله لندن نیویورک و لس آنجلس سفر کرده و در ضمن این مسافرت ها به عنوان یک مدل حرفه ای در شوها شرکت می کرد .
پس از اقامت در نیویورک وارد آموزشگاه تئاتر لی استارزبرگ و پس از آن دانشگاه نیویورک شد .در همین هنگام بازی در تئاتر را به صورت حرفه ای آغاز کرد .
این هنر به زودی اولین فیلم سینمایی خود را با ایفای نقش کوچکی در سال 1993 درفیلم کبرا
در فیلم آبه د در سال 1995 با بازی در Hacker ها توانست نشان دهد که قابلیت های هنری فراوانی در او وجود دارد .Train spottingبا فیلم ساخته جانی لی میلJonny Lee Miller او رسما" به عنوان یک هنرپیشه هالیوود شناخته شد و همین فیلم نیز سبب آشنایی وی با میلر و ازدواج کوتاه مدت آنها شد .
پس از مدتی باحضور در فیلم های متوسط سر انجام جولی توانست با بازی در نقش همسر جورج والاس (Georg Wallace) در فیلم سینمایی تلویزیونی با همین نام در سال 1997 جایزه جهانی گلدن گلاب را ببرد .
با بازی در نقش اول فیلم گیا Gia ساخته شرکت HOB و نامزدی اسکار به عنوان بهترین نقش اول زن جولی تبدیل به یک سوپر استار در دنیای هالیوود شد .
به زودی با شرکت در برنامه های تلویزیونی و مطبوعات پاسخگوی جزئی ترین مسائل زندگی اش از خالکوبی های بدنش گرفته تا موضوعاتی در مورد پدر معروفش و حتی ازدواج کوتاه مدتش شد .
از این پس آنجلینا نقش های بسیار مهمتری در پروژه های بزگتری را پذیرفت.
در سال 1998 در فیلم بازی با دل Playing by Heart در کنار کادر حرفه ای اعم از شون کانریSean connery- جینا رولندزGena Rowlands- آنتونی ادواردAnthony Edwards – جیلیان اندرسونGillian Anderson – رایان فیلیپRyan Philippe و مبدلاین استوMadeline Stowe بود حضور یافت .
یکسال بعد با بازی در Pushing tin ساخته مایک نیوال Mike Newell باز هم نام او در کنار بزرگانی همچون جان کوزاکJohn Cusack – بیلی باب تورنتونBilly Bob Thornton – و کیت بلانشتCate Blanchett قرار گرفت.
گر چه فیلم به موفقیت مالی و هنری دست نیافت اما سبب نشد که به نام هنری و حرفه ای جولی که توانسته بود در مدت زمان کوتاهی به آن دست یابد حتی کوچکترین صدمه ای وارد شود .
در سال 2000 برای بهترین نقش مکمل در فیلم دختر از هم گسیخته Girl Interrupted و بازی در نقش یک بیمار روحی بالاخره توانست جایزه اسکار را از آن خود کند. یکسال بعد آنجلینا زندگی مشترک خود با بیلی باب تورنتون را شروع کرد .
در سال 2000 وی به عنوان بانوی صحنه ها برنده جایزه miss world شد اما آن را نپذیرفت . آنجلینا در فیلم های فراوانی به ایفای نقش پرداخته است که از جمله ی آنها می توان به فیلم جنایی سرقت در شصت ثانیه Gone in sixty secondsاشاره کرد .او در این فیلم در نقش یک سارق اتومبیل همبازی هنرپیشه ی صاحب نامی همچون نیکلاس کیج است .
هم چنین در فیلم گناه کبیرهOriginal Sin در نقش عروس بد کاره ی کوبان تایکون با بازی آنتونیو باندراسAntonio Banderas ظاهر شده است .
اگر چه جایزه بانوی شایسته 2000 را نپذیرفت اما در سال 2001 هنگامی که در مهجم مقبره Tomb Raider و در نقش لارا کرافت Lara Craftکه اقتباسی از سری بازی های ویدئویی بود ظاهر شد دیگر نمی توانست از قبول این جایزه امتناع کند .
پس از درخشش در مهاجم مقبره: گهواره ی زندگی (Tomb Raider: Cradle of life2003) به عنوان بهترین هنر پیشه از سوی بینندگان انتخاب شد .
فیلم زندگی یا چیزی شبیه به آن (Life or something like it 2002) که یک داستان کمدی رمانتیک بود نیز از سوی منتقدان و بینندگان به عنوان یکی از بهترین نقش های آنجلینا پذیرفته شد .
در هجدهم جولای سال 2002 آنجلینا و بیلی باب تورنتون خواستار جدایی از یکدیگر شده و ادعا کردند که داراییشان تا بعد از به فرزندی پذیرفتن کودکی دیگر به هم تعلق نخواهد داش
اما این تصمیم شتابزده ی آنها عملی نگشت . در سال 2003 پس از این اتفاقات آنجلینا در نقش یک دختر ثروتمند در فیلم Beyond Bordres ظاهر شد .
اما سال 2004 به دلیل حضور او در فیلم های اسکندر بزرگ Alexander the great ساخته ی الیور استون Oliver Stone در نقش مادر اسکندر مقدونی با بازی کولین فارل Colin Farrell و نیز همبازی شدن با برنده ی جایزه ی اسکار جینت پالترو Gwyneth Paltrow در کاپیتان اسکای : دنیای فردا Sky captain: The world of tomorrow و هم چنین فیلم گرفتن جانها Taking Lives و بازی در نقش افسرارشد FBI سال بسیار پر ثمری را گذراند
سرانجام جولی سال 2004 را با قرض دادن صدایش به شرکت انیمیشن سازی Dream Work در فیلم داستان کوسه Sharks tale به پایان رساند .
آنجلینا جولی ژانویه ی 2005 را با فیلم آقآ و خانم اسمیت آغاز خواهد کرد.
فیلم شناسی آنجلینا جولی
Cyborg 2 (1993) 2 سیبرگ
Without Evidence (1995)
Hackers (1995) هکر ها
Mojave Moon (1996)
Love Is All There Is (1996)
Foxfire (1996)
Playing God (1997)
George Wallace (1997) جرج والاس
Hell's Kitchen (1998)
Gia (1998) جیا
Pushing Tin (1999)
Playing By Heart (1999) بازی با قلب
Hell's Kitchen (1999)
Girl, Interrupted (1999) دختر از هم گسیخته
The Bone Collector (1999) کلکسیونر استخوان
Gone in 60 Seconds (2000) سرقت در 60 ثانیه
Original Sin (2001) گناه کبیره
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) تامب ریدر
Life or Something Like It (2002) زندگی و چیزی شبیه آن
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003) تامب ریدر 2
Beyond Borders (2003)
Taking Lives (2004)
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004) فرمانده آسمانها
Shark Tale (2004) داستان کوسه
Alexander (2004) اسکندر
Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005) آقا و خانم اسمیت
The Good Shepherd (2006) شگرد خوب
Beowulf (2007) گرگ زیبا
بیوگرافی براد پیت
زندگینامه هنری براد پیت
نام : براد پیت
تولد : 1963 در اکلاهاما
همسر : جنیفر آنیستن تا 2004 (همسر فعلی: آنجلینا جولی)
مشخصه : چشمان سبز و موهای روشن
متولد 1963 در اکلاهامای آمریکا ست . در دانشکاه میسوری روزنامه نگاری خوانده است
و در کنار آن به صورت حاشیه ای به کارهای هالیوود پرداخت . در ابتدا راننده ی لیموزین هنرپیشگان معروف بوده است . مدتی هم لباس جوجه می پوشید
و برای رستورانها تبلیغ می کرد . اولین نقشش بازی در فیلمNo mans land درسال 1987 در نقش یک پیشخدمت بود
. بسیار تلاش کرد تا توانست در سریالهای تلویزیونی و بعد هم سینما برای خود جایگاه مناسب به دست آورد
او با بازی در فیلم هایی مانند عشق واقعی ، مصاحبه با خون آشام ، افسانه های پاییز ، هفت ، دوازده میمون ، Fight club، قاپ زنی و سپس اعترافات یک ذهن خطرناک و یازده یاراوشن و در همین اواخر در فیلم تاریخی تروا تبدیل به یک سوپر استار در دنیای هالیوود شد . در سال 1996 بای بازی در فیلم دوازده میمون نامزد بهترین نقش مکمل مرد شد . او بارها به عنوان یکی از جذااب ترین چهره های مرد سینمای جهان معزفی شده است . در سال 1996 با بازیگر اسکاری به نام گوینت پالترو نامزد شد اما چندان طول نکشید که نامزدی شان به هم خورد و به همین دلیل خانم پالترو تا مدتها دچار افسردگی بود .
در سال2000 با جنیفر آنیستون که یک هنرپیشه معمولی سریالها ی تلویزیونی بودازدواج کرد باعث تعجب همگان به ویژه خانم های علاقه مند به این هنرپیشه شد .
در حالیکه او بارها اظهار داشت که همسرش را از پیش می شناخته و به او علاقه مند بوده و هنوز هم عاشق اوست .
اواز ثروتمندترین مردان هالیوود است و حتی دستمزدش از جورج کلونی هم بالاتر است . برای یاران اوشن او روی هم 60 میلیون دلار دریافت کرده است .
او به شدت علاقه مند به همسر خود است . همیشه در پی غافلگیر کردن او است به طور مثال فراگیری زبان یونانی که زبان اجدادی همسرش است یا پوشیدن لباس خواننده ی گروه قدیمی " دورن دورن " در جشن تولد جنیفر که خواننده محبوب اوست ، ولی این اواخر دادن هدیه ی تولد به جنیفر باعث شد که او از براد شکایت کند زیرا کادوی تولدش یک انگشتر الماس بود که در جعبه ی کادو یک مار هم وجود داشت و این به شدت جنیفر را ترسانده بود . اما براد پبت رسما از وی عذر خواهی کرد . اما در نهایت آندو در پی شایعاتی که مبنی بر روابط براد و آنجلینا جولی پس از بازی مشترک در فیلم آقا و خانوم اسمیت پیش آمد ، جنیفر آنستین از براد جدا گشت و اکنون خبر ازدواج او با آنجلینا جولی در صدر اخبارروز قرار گرفته است.
فيلم شناسيخوشحال با يكديگر 1989طبقه برنده 1989از ميان خط ها1989 جوان هم ميميرد 1990تلما و لوئيز 1991همه ي مسير ها 1991جانی جير پوش 1992 دنياي سرد 1992عشق حقيقي 1993كاليفرنيا1993داستان هاي خزان 1994 مصاحبه با خون آشام 1994طرفدار 1994هفت 1995دوازده میمون1996خواب روها 1996متعلق به شيطان 1997با جو سیاه آشنا بشید1998باشگاه مشت زني 1998مكزيكي 2000جاسوس بازي 2001دسته یازده نفری اوشن2002تروا2004
آقا و خانم اسمیت2005
بیوگرافی رابرت دنیرو

نام:رابرت دنیرو
سال تولد: 17 آگوست 1943
محل تولد: نيويورك
تحصيلات: دانش آموخته رودس اسكول نيويورك و هاي اسكول آف ميوزيك اند آرت.
نامزد اسكار: راننده تاكسي (مارتين اسكورسيزي، 1976)، شكارچي گوزن (مايكل چيمينو، 1978)، تنگه وحشت (مارتين اسكورسيزي، 1992)
برنده اسكار: پدرخوانده2 (فرانسينس فورد كاپولا، 1974)، گاو خشمگين (مارتين اسكورسيزي، 1981)
لقب : بابي ميلک ( شيربرنج ) اين لقب را در کودکي به خاطر رنگ سفيد پوستش به او دادند. قد:178 رابرت دنيرو که به عنوان يکي از برجسته ترين بازيگران زمان خود شناخته شده است در سال 1943 در نيويورک متولد شد. پدر و مادر او هر دو ..
بازيگري را زير نظر استلا آدلر و لي استراسبرگ آموخت. در فيلم خيابان هاي پايين شهر (مارتين اسكورسيزي، 1973) تبه كار ساده لوح پيش پا افتاده اي را به طرز درخشاني به تصوير در آورد. نقش آفريني اش در اين فيلم سرآغاز رابطه اي طولاني بود بين دنيرو و اسكورسيزي و هر يك تصويرگري ديگري را از زندگي ايتاليايي - آمريكايي به منتهي درجه كمال رساند.
نکات جالب و خواندني در مورد رابرت دنيرو
رابرت دنيرو که به عنوان يکي از برجسته ترين بازيگران زمان خود شناخته شده است در سال 1943 در نيويورک متولد شد. پدر و مادر او هر دو هنرمند بودند. در هنرستان STELLA ADLER و همچنين در يک کارکاه هنري آمريکايي آموزش بازيگري ديد. در ابتدا به خاطر فيلم طبل را آهسته به صدا در بياوربه شهرت نسبي رسيد ولي شهرت و اعتبار اصلي را به عنوان بازيگر حرفه اي در فيلم کوچه کثيف در سال 1973به دست آورد.
دنيرو در سال 1974جايزه آکادمي را براي بهترين بازيگر نقش دوم در فيلم پدر خوانده 2احراز نمود ، او برنده جايزه آکادمي به عنوان بهترين بازيگر در فيلم هاي راننده تاکسي 1976 ، شکاچي آهو1978 ، دماغه وحشت1991 و گاو خشمگين 1980 مي باشد. اخيرا رياست شرکت توليد فيلم خود يعني استوديوي تربيکا TRIBECA را به عهده گرفته است.
شروع کار وي در سال 1993 به همراه BRONX TALE, A .
داراي عنوان پنجم در مجله انگليسي از ميان 100 ستاره سينمائي تمام دوران (اکتبر 1997)
در سال 2002 به عنوان بازيگر آمريکايي ايتالياي معرفي شد. او اغلب در فيلم ها نقش يک آمريکايي – ايتاليايي را ايفا مي کند ولي يک تيره ايرلندي نیز دارد
او دومين بازيگري است که به خاطر ايفاي نقش VITO CORLEONE برنده جايزه اسکار شد. نفر اول مارلون براندو بود که براي ايفاي همين نقش جايزه اسکار را از آن خود کرد. رکورد اضافه وزن او براي ايفاي نقش در فيلم گاوخشمگين (1980) 60 پوند (حد ود 27 کيلوگرم ) بود ولي 7سال بعد VINCENT D’ONOFRIO با اضافه کردن 70 پوند (حدود 32 کيلوگرم ) رکورد او را براي ايفاي نقش در فيلم کت تمام فلزي شکست ( 1987 ) .
دنيرو موسس اولين فستيوال TRIBECA در ماه مي سال 2002مي باشد.او تصميم به احياي دوباره يک فضاي تجاري پس از حملات 11سپتامبر داشت که اين پروژه نيزاجرا شد.
براي آموزش زبان سيسيلي به خاطر نقش VITO CORLEONE در فيلم پدر خوانده ، چهار ماه آموزش ديد ، تقريبا تمام دالوگهاي ويتو به زبان سيسيلي بود. او به عنوان دومين ستاره تمام دوران در کانال 4 بريتانيا انتخاب شد. بد نيست بدانيد که او دراين برنامه رقابت نزديکي با ال چاچينو داشت.
همسران :
ABBOTT DIAHNNE ( 1976 – 1988 ) 1فرزند
GRACE HIGHTOWER (17ژوئن 1997- تا کنون ) – تقاضاي طلاق، 1فرزند
DRENA DENIRO (درناد نيرو): دختر خوانده رابرت دنيرو محبوب مي شود ، او فرزند DIAHNNE و همسر سابق او مي باشد.
همچنين دنيرو و DIAHNNE فرزند پسري به نام رافائل دنيرو دارند که او نيز بازيگر است. دنيرو و همسردومش (گريس) در 18 ماه مارس سال 1998 صاحب فرزندي به نام (اليوت) شدند .
رافائل دنيرو ، پسر رابرت دنيرو در استوديو بازيگري " استلاادلر" و " لي استرابرگ" آموزش ديده است.
رابرت دنيرو از ( مريل استريپ ) به عنوان بازيگر مورد علاقه اش براي ايفاي نقش در کنارش ياد کرده است .
QUAYE در ترانه اش با نام در خشش يکشنبه از او ياد مي کند با اين مضمون من يک قهرمان هستم ، همانند رابرت دنيرو.
دنيرو اغلب بازيگر نقشهاي خشن و يا شخصيت هاي روانپريش مي باشد.
او صاحب رستورانهاي زيادي در نيويورک است. از قبيل NOBU ، LAYLA
رستوران AGO در غرب هاليوود. رستوران RUBICON در سانفرانسيسکو با شراکت فرانسيس فورد کا پولا و رابين ويليانفر.
دنبرو طبق تشخيص پزشکان مبتلا به سرطان پردستات است. او تحت معالجه مي باشد و پزشکان معتقدند که وي به بهبودي کامل خواهد رسيد.(اکتبر 2003)
دنيرو و آلپاچينو تنها در يک فيلم با هم بازي کردند که در آن هم تنها در يک پلان ديده مي شوند .
در کودکي به خواندن نمايشنامه علاقه نشان مي داد. او در جشنواره اي در سال 1981 روبان سبزرنگي را بر يقه اش زده بود که بعدها اين به صورت يک سنت درآمد. اين روبان ياد بودي بود براي هزاران کودک آفريقايي آمريکايي که در قتلهاي زنجيره اي ATLANTA, GEORGIA قرباني شدند (1981-1980). اين روبان را يکي از طرفدارانش به او داده بود ، خانواده هاي قربانيان ماهها اين روبان ها را داشتند.
در فيلم فرانک اشتاين نقش اصلي را ايفا کرد. تبديل کردن او به يک شخص عظيم الجثه مستلزم مهارت هاي بسيار زيادي بود چون KENNETH BRANAGH که نقش دکتر فرانک اشتاين را بازي مي کرد با او هم قد بود بسياري از حقه هاي سينمايي که بعدها در فيلم ارباب حلقه ها براي بزرگ جلوه دادن افراد جادوگرها و غول ها به کار رفت ، قبلا در فيلم فرانک اشتاين براي عظيم الجثه نشان دادن دنيرو در برابر بقيه بازيگران به کار گرفته شده بود.
نام فیلم ها
سه اتاق در منهتن (ژان پير ملويل، 1965)
تبريكات (برايان دي پالما، 1968)
سلام مامان! (برايان دي پالما، 1970)
مامان فشنگي (راجر كورمن، 1970)
طبل را آهسته بزن (جان هنكاك، 1973)
خيابان هاي پايين شهر (مارتين اسكورسيزي، 1973)
پدرخوانده2 (فرانسيس فورد كاپولا، 1974)
راننده تاكسي (مارتين اسكورسيزي، 1976)
1900 (برناردو برتولوچي، 1976)
نيويورك، نيويورك (مارتين اسكورسيزي، 1977)
شكارچي گوزن (مايكل چيمينو، 1978)
گاو خشمگين (مارتين اسكورسيزي، 1980)
سلطان كمدي (مارتين اسكورسيزي، 1983)
روزي روزگاري آمريكا (سرجيو لئونه، 1984)
قلب فرشته (آلن پاركر، 1987)
تسخيرناپذيرها (برايان دي پالما، 1387)
گريز نيمه شبانه (مارتين برست، 1988)
بچه هاي خوب (مارتين اسكورسيزي، 1990)
بيداري (پني مارشال، 1990)
تنگه وحشت (مارتين اسكورسيزي، 1991)
قصه اي از برانكس (رابرت دنيرو، 1993)
كازينو (مارتين اسكورسيزي، 19959
مخمصه (مايكل مان، 1996)
جكي براون (كوئنتين تارانتينو، 1997)
خوابگردها (1996)
موفق هاي يك شبه (بري لوينسون، 1996)
اتاق ماروين (جري زاكس، 1996)
رونين (1998)
دم سگ را بجنبان (بري لوينسون، 1998)
راكي و بولوينكل (2000)
اين را تحليل كن (1999)
زمان نمايش (2002)
شهري كنار دريا
بیوگرافی جولیا رابرتز

زندگینامه هنری جولیا رابرتز
نام : جولیا رابرتز
تولد : 1967 در جورجیا
برادر : اریک رابرتز
همسر : دانیال مودر
مشخصه : ساده و صمیمی
متولد 1967 در جورجیای آمریکاست . برادرش اریک رابرتز زودتر از او کار خود را در هالیوود آغاز کرد . جولیا در 21 سالگی ( سال 1988) با بازی در فیلم های رضایت خاطر و
پیتزا میستیک کارش را شروع کرد . او یکی از خوش شانس ترین چهره های هنری است زیرا با بازی در فیلم زن زیبا در سال 1990 توانست نامزد دریافت جایزه اسکار برای بهترین
بازیگر سال شود که همین امر سبب معرفی او به دنیای سینما و انتخاب او به عنوان بهترین هنرپیشه ی زن از سوی مردم شد .
جولیا از دسته با زیگرانی هست که با تلاش پشت کار خود به یک بازیگر بزرگ تبدیل شده است
نه بخاطر شکل قیافه اش بسیاری از بازیگران آمریکا بخاطر شکل وقیا فه اشان بازیگر تبدیل شده اند اما
این حرف درمورد جولیا صادق نیست
جولیا در چندین سال توانست به بازیگری حرفهای تبدیل شود وت الان توانست جایگاه خود را حفظ کند
بازی در فیلم هایی نظیر خوابیدن با دشمن ، دردسر را دوست دارم ، عروسی بهترین دوستم ، ناتینگ هیل ، نامادری ، عروس فراری ، ارین براکویچ ، لبخند مونالیزا ، اعترافات یک ذهن خطرناک و یازده یار اوشن بارها جولیا را تبدیل به یکی از چهره های شاخص هالیوود کرد .
او بارها و بارها برنده و کاندیدای دریافت جوایز معتبری نظیر 2 بار کاندیدای اسکار شدن مجدد ، پنج بار نامزدی جایزه گلدن گلاب و سه بار برنده شدن آن ، 3 بار نامزدی برای جایزه ماهواره ای طلایی و جوایز بسیار دیگر .
بیشتر منتقدین و مردم معتقدند او نقشهای کمدی عاشقانه را بهتر ایفا می کند . او اولین هنرپیشه ی زنی است که برای بازی در فیلمی 20 میلیون دلار دریافت کرد ، پس از او کامرون دیاز و جنیفر لوپز توانستند این مبلغ را دریافت کنند . در تاریخ سینما رابرتز از نظر دریافت حقوق در سینما مقام اول دارد .
جولیا یک کمپانی فیلمسازی شخصی دارد . وی دو بار ازدواج کرده است و همسر فعلی اش ، دانیال مودر فیلمبردار سینماست و آنها در سال 2002 میلادی با یکدیگر ازدواج کردند و این روزها منتظر تولد دوقلوهایشان ( یک دوختر و یک پسر ) هستند . او پیش از این مدت 3 سال با بنجامین برت یکی از هنرپیشگان سینما نامزد بود و مدتی هم به میتپزی و کیفر ساترلند رابطه داشت اما او اینک ازدواج موفقی کرده است که نامزدی های نافرجامش را به کلی از یاد برده است .
بارها وبارها به عنوان زیباترین زن سینما انتخاب شده البته خودش معتقد است که اصلا زیبا نیست .
او این روزها به عنوان بازیگر و کارگردان در سینما فعالیت دارد . اصلیتش ایرلندی است و یک خواهر ناتنی به نام لیزا دارد . در حا حاضر رقمی معادل 25 میلیون دلار برای هر فیلم دریافت می کند که برای یاران اوشن هم همین مقدار حقوق را دریافت کرد .
فیلم شناسی جولیا رابرتز
Blood Red (1989) خون سرخ
Steel Magnolias (1989)
Pretty Woman (1990) زن زیبا
Sleeping With the Enemy (1991) خوابیدن با دشمن
Dying Young (1991)
Hook (1991) هوک
The Player (1992) بازیکن
The Pelican Brief (1993) پرونده پلیکان
Love Trouble (1994)
Something to Talk About (1995) چیزهای برای گفتن
Mary Reilly (1996)
Michael Collins (1996) میشل کولینز
Everyone Says I Love You (1996) همه میگن دوست دارم
My Best Friend's Wedding (1997) عروسی بهترین دوستم
Conspiracy Theory (1997) تئوری توطئه
Pelican Brief (1998) پرونده پلیکان
Stepmom (1998) نامادری
Notting Hill (1999) ناتینگ هیل
Runaway Bride (1999) عروس فراری
Erin Brockovich (2000) ارین براکویچ
The Mexican (2001) مکزیکی
America's Sweethearts (2001) دلبر آمریکائی
Ocean's Eleven (2001) یازده اوشن
Full Frontal (2002)
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002) اعترافات یک ذهن خطر ناک
Mona Lisa Smile (2003) لبخند مونالیزا
Grand Champion (2004) قهرمان بزرگ
oser (2004)
Tell Them Who You Are (2005) بگو اونا کی هستند
Charlotte's Web (2006) وب شارلوت
The Ant Bully (2006) قلدر مورچه
biography arnold schwarzenegger

biography arnold schwarzenegger
Date of Birth30 July 1947, Thal, Styria, AustriaBirth NameArnold Alois SchwarzeneggerNicknameArnie Austrian Oak Conan the Republican Styrian Oak The Governator The Running ManHeight6' 2" (1.88 m)BiographyGrowing up in a small, isolated village in Austria, he turned to bodybuilding as his ticket to a better life. Prior to that he served a mandatory one year in the Austrian military (beginning in 1965). After conquering the world as arguably the greatest bodybuilder who ever lived, he went to America to make his name in motion pictures. Hampered by his impossible name and thick accent, success eluded him for many years. It wasn't until he found the tailor-made role of Conan that he truly came into his own as a performer. A succession of over-the-top action films made him an international box office star. By alternating violent action films with lighter, comedic fare, he has solidified his position as one of the most popular - if not the most popular - movie stars in the world. After his long, and successful movie career, he ran in the California recall. He is now the Governor of California, yet another celebrity to be elected to the position.SpouseMaria Shriver (26 April 1986 - present) 4 childrenTrade MarkFrequent movie line: "I'll be back."Often has his character say comedic one liners that puncuate the action.Many of his films have his characters doing feats of strength to match his muscular look, eg Commando (1985) where he is first seen in the film carrying a whole tree trunk on his shoulder.Frequently has some type of action scene in bathrooms. (Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003), True Lies (1994) and _Kindergarten Cop (1990)_ ).TriviaRanked #20 in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list. [October 1997]Fourth child, a boy, born. [27 September 1997]Underwent heart surgery to correct a congenital heart valve condition. [April 1997]Called by the Guinness Book of World Records, "the most perfectly developed man in the history of the world."Noted fan of cigar smoking.His voice in Hercules in New York (1970) was dubbed.Was part-owner of Planet Hollywood and Schatzi restaurants.Advocate for the Republican party.He reprised his Terminator character for the theme park attraction T2 3-D: Battle Across Time (1996), a short film which uses an enhanced 3-D process that makes the film really appear to jump out at the audience.His production company is Oak Productions.Became a US citizen. [1983]His wife Maria is the niece of President John F. Kennedy and Senators Robert F. Kennedy and Ted Kennedy.Graduated from University of Wisconsin-Superior with a major in international marketing of fitness and business administration. [1979]Sold his Planet Hollywood stock off and is no longer a part owner of the chain. (2000)The soccer stadium in Graz, Austria (his home town) is named after him.Was considered for the title role in the 1970s TV series "The Incredible Hulk" (1978), but was reportedly deemed not tall enough. His former bodybuilding competitor, Lou Ferrigno, ultimately won the part.After leaving Austria for the first time, he came to England to work, earning under £30 a week.Received an Honorary Doctorate from his alma mater, the University of Wisconsin Superior, in 1996 in recognition of his charitable works.Son-in-law of Sargent Shriver and Eunice Kennedy Shriver.At his bodybuilding peak his chest was 57", waist 34", biceps 22", thighs 28½", calves 20", and his competition weight was 235 lbs (260 lbs off-season).He and Warner Bros. agreed to postpone the release of Collateral Damage (2002) indefinitely in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks on America. The plot centers around a firefighter who lost his family in a terrorist bomb attack. [September 2001]7 September 2001 - Sues International Game Technology for the unauthorized use of his voice and likeness in slot machine games. His lawyer told the press he was seeking $20 million in damages, which is the amount he believes he would have received had he approved the use.Childhood friends stated that he often said his goals in life were to move to America, become an actor, and marry a Kennedy. He accomplished all three.Underwent a genioplasty -- a procedure in which his jaw has been moved back so that it no longer juts out.Was the first private citizen in the U.S. to own a Humvee (High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle).Lobbying in May 2002 to promote anti-juvenile delinquency initiative on California ballot that would commit the state to allocate $400 million for extracurricular activities and tutoring for students, kindergarten through ninth grade.Received an honorary doctorate from Chapman University in Orange, California. [June 2002]Franco Columbu was best man at Arnold's wedding.Underwent surgery for a torn rotator cuff as a result of an injury on the set of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003). Was in a sling for 3-4 weeks, but it was not expected to delay the completion of the movie. [29 January 2003]Ranked #9 in Star TV's Top 10 Box Office Stars of the 1990s (2003).The character Rainier Wolfecastle in "The Simpsons" (1989) is based on him.Won Mr. Olympia title seven times (1970-1975, 1980).James Cameron orginally wanted him for the role of Kyle Reese in The Terminator (1984), but when Arnold walked into the restaurant to meet Cameron about the role, Cameron took one look at him and said "You're a machine!" and that's why he got the role of The Terminator.Announced his candidacy for the Governorship of California on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" (1992) on August 6, 2003.Suffered a back injury (among other various assorted injuries) while filming Conan the Barbarian (1982) when the dogs who were chasing him jumped him from behind and he fell down the rock he was climbing to escape them.In Demolition Man (1993), Sandra Bullock's character Lenina Huxley is telling Sylvester Stallone's character John Spartan about the Arnold Schwarzenegger Presidential Library, explaining that, based on the sheer popularity of Schwarzenegger's movies, a Constitutional amendment was passed in order for Schwarzenegger to run for President, which, according to Huxley, he did. In 2003, ten years after this film's release, Schwarzenegger ran for the office of Governor of California, and won the election on 7 October 2003. While Schwarzenegger is not eligible to run for the presidency by present laws (as a naturalized citizen, not a native-born citizen as required by the Constitution), most past presidents have been governors of their respective home states. Some members of Congress are currently considering an amendment to the Constitution to allow foreign-born US citizens to be allowed to run for the Presidency, specifically with Schwarzenegger in mind, although other members of Congress are strongly opposed to the idea.Had one elder brother, Meinhard (1946-1971).His mother was Aurelia Jadrny (1922 - 2 August 1998) and his father was Gustav Schwarzenegger (Graz, 1907 - 1973), married in Murzsteg, 20 October 1945. His mother's surname is Czech.Was elected Governor of California as a Republican on 7 October 2003.Turned down the role of John McClane in Die Hard (1988). The role went to Bruce Willis instead.TV Guide selected Arnold Schwarzenegger's announcement on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" (1992) to run for Governor of California as the greatest TV moment of 2003.Said that filming the climatic fight at the end of Predator (1987) was made difficult by the fact that the late Kevin Peter Hall, who played the Predator, couldn't see through his mask.Has the record for winning the most major bodybuilding events in history, 13 (1 Mr. Junior Western Europe, 7 Mr. Olympias, and 5 Mr. Universes).After he had started lifting weights as a teenager, he noticed that his body was becoming disproportionate. His arms, shoulders and chest were developing nicely, but his calves and lower legs weren't coming along as he wanted. To motivate himself to work harder on his calves, he cut off all of his pants (trousers) at the knee. Walking around like that, people would look at (and maybe even laugh at) the big man with 'chicken' legs. It worked.His father, Gustav Schwarzenegger, nicknamed him "Cinderella" as a child and his older brother, Meinhard, constantly picked on him growing up. Both men were killed while driving under the influence.Is one of only two actors to appear in all three of the 'Terminator' films (_The Terminator (1984)_ , Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)). The other is Earl Boen who portrayed the character of Dr. Peter Silberman in all three films.Only the second governor in California's history to be born in a foreign country. John Downey, the 7th Governor of California, was born in Ireland and served from 1860-1862.Has his look-alike puppet in the French show _"Guignols de l'info, Les" (1988)_ .Went AWOL from the Austrian army to enter his first bodybuilding contest.Stumped for President George W. Bush the weekend before his re-election in Ohio, as Schwarzenegger has always had a strong relationship with Ohio.He was voted the 53rd Greatest Movie Star of all time by Entertainment Weekly.Has played a character who died in only four of his films: _Terminator, The (1984)_ , Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), End of Days (1999) and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003).Was considered for the role of the gentle giant Fezzik in the 1970s when William Goldman's book "The Princess Bride" was first proposed to be made into a film (The Princess Bride (1987)).Had his first romantic scene in a movie with actress Sandahl Bergman, in Conan the Barbarian (1982).Is good friends with fellow bodybuilder Sven-Ole Thorsen...who, ironically, portrayed "Thorgrim," one of his leading foes in _Conan the Barbarian (1982)_ .Turned down a request to reprise his Conan character in Kull the Conqueror (1997) (originally titled "Conan the Conqueror"). Also, he was supposed to play Conan in Red Sonja (1985), though ultimately, a new character was created who was essentially Conan in everything but name.Is the only person to receive Razzie nominations for Worst Actor, Worst Supporting Actor and Worst Screen Couple (with himself cloned) in the same year. All for the same movie, The 6th Day (2000).In German, the word "schwarzen" means "black," and "egger" means "ploughman." So "Schwarzenegger" is "Black Ploughman."His life strangely mirrors the life of Conan from _Conan the Barbarian (1982)_ . Conan was born in a small village and grew up to be a physically powerful man from years of slavery. After winning great fame as a gladiator, he is given to wine and women, but later rejects this hedonistic lifestyle and goes on to perform great heroic feats, and eventually he is crowned king. Arnold was born in a small Austrian town and took up weightlifting as he got older. After achieving success as a bodybuilder, he indulged in drug abuse and womanizing, but he later rejected this and went on to become a vocal supporter of social causes, and was eventually elected governor of California.Performed many of his own stunts in his films, owing largely to the fact that it was hard to find stunt doubles who matched his size. Billy D. Lucas, Joel Kramer and Peter Kent eventually became his personal stunt doubles and close friends.His famous line "I'll be back", which originated from The Terminator (1984), was originally written as "I'll come back".Initially refused to star in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) because James Cameron, who created the character and directed the first two films, would not be directing the third installment. Arnold tried to persuade Cameron to do the third film but Cameron declined and, feeling that the Terminator character was as much Arnold's as it was his own, Cameron advised Arnold to just do the third film and ask for a lot of money.While filming the behind the scenes documentary for the special edition DVD of Conan the Barbarian (1982), the microphone hit him in the head at the end of the interview, to which he immediately joked "You see, I can't even do an interview about Conan without getting hurt".Addressed the Republican National Convention in 2004.The etymology for Arnold is "Eagle Power."Grew up in a house that had no phone, no fridge and no toilet.Was engaged to Brigitte Nielsen. [1985]Was the spokesperson for Japanese DirecTV, a competitor to Quentin Tarantino's endorsed local satellite TV operator SkyperfecTV.Was considered for the title role in Flash Gordon (1980). The part eventually went to Sam J. Jones instead, because producer Dino De Laurentiis felt Schwarzenegger's German accent was ill-suited for this role. DeLaurentiis (in his heavy Italian accent) told Schwarzenegger, "You have an accent! I cannot use you for Flash Gordon! No! Flash Gordon has no accent! I cannot use you! No!" Ironically, Jones had to temporarily get rid of his own Texas accent for said role.While filming Predator (1987) he became close friends with co- star Jesse Ventura, who was also later elected a state governor (Minnesota).John Milius originally intended him to do the narration of Conan the Barbarian (1982) but the studio didn't trust his accent, so the narration was performed by Mako instead, who played the wizard.Withdrew from the city of Graz the right to use his name in association with its soccer stadium and returned his "Ehrenring" (ring of honor) after some politicians in the town had started a campaign against Schwarzenegger due to his refusal to stop the execution of convicted killer Stanley Tookie Williams (20 December 2005).The Green Party of Austria has resolved to strip Schwarzenegger of his Austrian citizenship due to his support for the death penalty.On 12 December 2005, Governor Schwarzenegger refused to grant clemency to quadruple murderer and former gang leader Stanley Tookie Williams, who had been on Death Row for 24 years.He was soundly defeated on all four propositions of his "special election" in November 2005, which cost the state of California an estimated $45 million. Schwarzenegger accepted personal responsibility for the defeat, and appointed a Democrat as his new Chief of Staff.Second actor to be elected Governor of California. The first was Ronald Reagan.Broke six ribs in a motorcycle crash (December 2001).February 2005 - he and his 12-year old son, Patrick, were injured in a traffic accident when a car ran into Arnold's motorcycle. Patrick was in a sidecar. Arnold received 15 stitches.He has been nominated for a Razzie Award as Worst Actor eight times during his career, and in 2004 received a special award for being the "Worst Razzie Loser of Our First 25 Years."His performance as The Terminator in the "Terminator" films is ranked #40 on Premiere Magazine's 100 Greatest Movie Characters of All Time.Was asked to reprise his "Dutch" character from the first Predator (1987) film for the sequel, but he declined because he didn't like the script. He chose to do Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) instead.Children - Katherine Eunice (b. 1989), Christina Maria Aurelia (b. 1991), Patrick Arnold (b. 1993) and Christopher Sargent (b. 1997).Was asked to appear in a sequel to his 1985 film Commando (1985) but declined.Producer Joel Silver wanted Schwarzenegger to play "Doctor Manhattan" in a film adaptation of Alan Moore's graphic novel Watchmen (2008) at one point.He keeps the sword he used in Conan the Barbarian (1982) in the Governor's office in California.Is a huge fan of professional wrestling.Easily re-elected as Governor of California. [November 7, 2006]He is the first member of the Kennedy family to become a state Governor.Broke his right femur while skiing in Sun Valley, Idaho (23 December 2006).Although German is his native language, all his movies have been dubbed into German by Thomas Danneberg for the German-speaking market because his strong Austrian accent doesn't fit with the type of roles he plays.In 1992 Schwarzenegger joined President George Bush in New Hampshire and asked voters to "send a message to Pat Buchanan: Hasta la vista, baby.".Related to actor George Wyner, who is also a close friend.Early in his career he appeared as a contestant on "The Dating Game" (1965).Was considered for the role of Judge Dredd in Judge Dredd (1995) in the early development stages. The part went to fellow Planet Hollywood founder Sylvester Stallone.Personal Quotes"I was always interested in proportion and perfection. When I was fifteen, I took off my clothes and looked in the mirror. When I stared at myself naked, I realized that to be perfectly proportioned I would need twenty-inch arms to match the rest of me."[Interview in "Starlog" magazine in 1091, explaining his reluctance to do sequels to most of his successful films from the '80s] "There's so little time to do all the things I want to do that I can't see any reason to get bogged down in sequels.""Everything I have ever done in my life has always stayed. I've just added to it...But I will not change. Because when you are successful and you change, you are an idiot.""I know that if you leave dishes in the sink, they get sticky and hard to wash the next day.""I would rather be Governor of California than own Austria.""I love the Hong Kong style of action movies, but that only looks good for small guys. The reason why the whole style was developed over there was because those guys were very puny guys - they're not powerful-looking guys, they're also not powerful guys. There's no weight lifting champion coming out of Hong Kong - maybe in the bantam division or the lightweight division or something like that, but normally you don't have really strong men coming out of there...they had to learn a technique that small people can do that are as effective as the big guy's strength. So that's where the martial arts came from.""In the beginning I was selfish. It was all about, 'How do I build Arnold? How can I win the most Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympic contests? How can I get into the movies and get into business?' I was thinking about myself...As I've grew up, got older, maybe wiser, I think your life is judged not by how much you have taken but by how much you give back."[during his campaign for California governor, about his history of "misbehavior"] "Where I did make mistakes, or maybe go overboard sometimes . . . I regret that. This is a different Arnold."[on his fight scenes with the female T-X in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)] "How many times do you get away with this - to take a woman, grab her upside down and bury her face in a toilet bowl? The thing is you can do it, because, in the end, I didn't do it to a woman - she's a machine. We could get away with it without being crucified by who knows what group."[on his decision to run for governor of California] "It was the most difficult decision in my life - except the one in 1978 when I decided to get a bikini wax."[after being pelted with an egg at a political rally] "This guy owes me bacon can't have egg without bacon."[responding to criticism during a televised debate] "I just realized I have the perfect part for you in Terminator 4."[victory speech after having won election as Governor of California] "I will not fail, I will not disappoint you, I will not let you down.""The worst I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.""There's a lot of people who want me to get out of acting and want me to run for governor. I think it's mostly movie critics.""You have to remember something: Everybody pities the weak; jealousy you have to earn.""I took more abuse in Predator (1987) than I did in Conan the Barbarian (1982). I fell down that waterfall [forty feet] and swam in this ice-cold water for days and for weeks was covered in mud. It was freezing in the Mexican jungle. They had these heat lamps on all the time, but they were no good. If you stayed in front of the lamps, the mud dried. Then, you had to take it off and put new mud on again. It was a no-win situation. The location was tough. Never on flat ground. Always on a hill. We stood all day long on a hill, one leg down, one leg up. It was terrible".[referring to Democrats at a political rally in Ontario, California, in 2004] "If they don't have the guts to come up here in front of you and say, 'I don't want to represent you, I want to represent those special interests, the unions, the trial lawyers . . . if they don't have the guts, I call them girlie men."[at the 3004 Republican National Convention] "Speaking of acting, one of my movies was called True Lies (1994). It's what the Democrats should have called their convention.""President Bush knows you can't reason with people that are blinded by hate. But let me tell you something: Their hate is no match for our decency, their hate is no match for the leadership and the resolve of George W. Bush".[Talking about his Conan the Barbarian (1982) director]: "John Milius used to call himself the dog trainer. Guess who were the dogs?".[From an interview about his reaction to reading the original The Terminator (1984) screenplay] "I have read a lot of action adventure scripts, and this definitely was one of the best. I knew that I wanted to play the part of the Terminator as soon as I started reading."[About being taken seriously]: "I don't care. The important thing to me is that I'm doing work that people enjoy out there, that the movie makes good money, that the studio makes the money back, and that I'm having a great time at what I'm doing. I don't even consider myself serious. So how do I expect people to take me serious? I think this whole Hollywood thing has to be taken much looser... it's just entertainment.""There were various stepping-stones in my career. One of them was Conan the Barbarian (1982), because it was the first time I did a film with that kind of budget and I had the title role. The next big stepping-stone was The Terminator (1984). With "The Terminator", I think people became aware of the fact that I didn't really have to take my shirt off or run around and expose my muscles in order to sell tickets. After I did "The Terminator" and we had seen it be more successful than the Conan films, people then sent me a variety of different kinds of scripts - all in the action-adventure genre, but they were not muscle movies or Viking movies or pirate movies or anything like that."[Talking about playing the Terminator]: "I had to act like a cyborg, which meant I couldn't show any kind of human fear or reaction to the fire, explosions, or gunfire that was going off around me. That can be difficult when you're walking through a door with its frame on fire, trying to reload a gun, and at the same time thinking in the back of your mind that people have accidents doing these kinds of stunts and that it might be my turn."[About more sequels to The Terminator (1984)] "I don't necessarily want to leave the magic of the 'Terminator' movies behind, and who says we have to? According to what we know about the future, there were hundreds of Terminators built. The story of the Terminator could go on forever."[From an interview expressing concern over making Conan the Destroyer (1984) less brutal than its predecessor, Conan the Barbarian (1982)] "I think it's a mistake. I know Sylvester Stallone made an extra $20 million because he got a PG rating for Rocky III (1982), but it's a matter of how much you want to stay within the character's reality. Can you slaughter people and never see blood? Is it possible? You must have battles. That's part of life, war, and the world of Conan."[Talking about director Richard Fleischer]: "The first day Fleischer came to see me work out, he told me, 'Arnold, could you put on some more muscles?' I couldn't believe it! It turned out that Fleischer thought [John Milius'] decision to keep Conan clothed throughout the first film was a mistake. Fleischer believes that people want to see my body much more often than they did the first time around, so they will. I spend most of my time in Conan the Destroyer (1984) fighting off people while I'm dressed in a loincloth."[About the dog accident while making Conan the Barbarian (1982)] "One of them hit me too soon. It caught me off guard and I went right over the ledge. I fell ten feet and landed on my back. I was covered with scratches and bruises. It was probably a pretty good beginning for this movie, though. It set the tone for the whole time we were there. This was going to be fun . . . but dangerous."[Talking about director John Milius]: "There never would have been a Conan movie without him."[on Warren Beatty] "There are some people who are close to him that say he is just starving for attention, and that's the way he gets attention. Other people said, 'Look, he's not working and he just feels like he should maybe get involved in politics'. Instead, I just think that maybe he is jealous that I did jump in. I find it silly, because I respect his work.""Well, I think because a lot of people don't know why I'm a Republican, I came first of all from a socialistic country which is Austria and when I came over here in 1968 with the presidential elections coming up in November, I came over in October, I heard a lot of the press conferences from both of the candidates, [Hubert H. Humphrey] and [Richard Nixon], and Humphrey was talking about more government is the solution, protectionism, and everything he said about government involvement sounded to me more like Austrian socialism. Then when I heard Nixon talk about it, he said open up the borders, the consumers should be represented there ultimately and strengthen the military and get the government off our backs. I said to myself, 'What is this guy's party affiliation?' I didn't know anything at that point. So I asked my friend, 'What is Nixon?' He's a Republican. And I said, 'I am a Republican'. That's how I became a Republican."[On refusing to grant clemency to condemned killer Stanley Tookie Williams] "After studying the evidence, searching the history, listening to the arguments and wrestling with the profound consequences, I could find no justification for granting clemency. The facts do not justify overturning the jury's verdict, or the decisions of the courts in this case."[After undergoing heart surgery in 1997] "We made, actually, history, because it was the first time ever that doctors could prove that a lifelong Republican has a heart.""As a kid - as a kid I saw socialist - the socialist country that Austria became after the Soviets left. Now don't misunderstand me: I love Austria and I love the Austrian people. But I always knew that America was the place for me. In school, when the teacher would talk about America, I would daydream about coming here. I would daydream about living here. I would sit there and watch for hours American movies, transfixed by my heroes, like John Wayne. Everything about America -- Everything about America seemed so big to me, so open, so possible.""I have no sexual standards in my head that say this is good or this is bad. Homosexual - that only means to me that he enjoys sex with a man and I enjoy sex with a woman. It's all legitimate to me.""I didn't think about money. I thought about the fame, about just being the greatest. I was dreaming about being some dictator of a country or some savior like Jesus.""I'm 6' 2". I've heard rumors that I'm really much shorter in real life - like 5' 6" or something like that - which is ridiculous. I can assure you this is not the case. People look up to me, and not just because I do a lot of work in the community. I mean, most people really look up to me.""California will not wait for our federal government to take strong action on global warming. We won't wait for the federal government. We will move forward because we know it's the right thing to do. We will lead on this issue and we will get other western states involved. I think there's not great leadership from the federal government when it comes to protecting the environment.""Money doesn't make you happy. I now have $50 million but I was just as happy when I had $48 million.""I have to give the audiences what they enjoy seeing while I try to bring in a little something new, with different movies, different time periods and all those things. But what's important is to entertain the people -- everything else means nothing." (from a 1987 interview)SalaryTerminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) $30,000,000 Collateral Damage (2002) $25,000,000 The 6th Day (2000) $25,000,000 End of Days (1999) $25,000,000 Batman & Robin (1997) $25,000,000 Jingle All the Way (1996) $20,000,000 Eraser (1996) $20,000,000 Junior (1994) $15,000,000 True Lies (1994) $15,000,000 Last Action Hero (1993) $15,000,000 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) $15,000,000 Kindergarten Cop (1990) $12,000,000 The Terminator (1984) $75,000 Conan the Barbarian (1982) $250,000
Date of Birth30 July 1947, Thal, Styria, AustriaBirth NameArnold Alois SchwarzeneggerNicknameArnie Austrian Oak Conan the Republican Styrian Oak The Governator The Running ManHeight6' 2" (1.88 m)BiographyGrowing up in a small, isolated village in Austria, he turned to bodybuilding as his ticket to a better life. Prior to that he served a mandatory one year in the Austrian military (beginning in 1965). After conquering the world as arguably the greatest bodybuilder who ever lived, he went to America to make his name in motion pictures. Hampered by his impossible name and thick accent, success eluded him for many years. It wasn't until he found the tailor-made role of Conan that he truly came into his own as a performer. A succession of over-the-top action films made him an international box office star. By alternating violent action films with lighter, comedic fare, he has solidified his position as one of the most popular - if not the most popular - movie stars in the world. After his long, and successful movie career, he ran in the California recall. He is now the Governor of California, yet another celebrity to be elected to the position.SpouseMaria Shriver (26 April 1986 - present) 4 childrenTrade MarkFrequent movie line: "I'll be back."Often has his character say comedic one liners that puncuate the action.Many of his films have his characters doing feats of strength to match his muscular look, eg Commando (1985) where he is first seen in the film carrying a whole tree trunk on his shoulder.Frequently has some type of action scene in bathrooms. (Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003), True Lies (1994) and _Kindergarten Cop (1990)_ ).TriviaRanked #20 in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list. [October 1997]Fourth child, a boy, born. [27 September 1997]Underwent heart surgery to correct a congenital heart valve condition. [April 1997]Called by the Guinness Book of World Records, "the most perfectly developed man in the history of the world."Noted fan of cigar smoking.His voice in Hercules in New York (1970) was dubbed.Was part-owner of Planet Hollywood and Schatzi restaurants.Advocate for the Republican party.He reprised his Terminator character for the theme park attraction T2 3-D: Battle Across Time (1996), a short film which uses an enhanced 3-D process that makes the film really appear to jump out at the audience.His production company is Oak Productions.Became a US citizen. [1983]His wife Maria is the niece of President John F. Kennedy and Senators Robert F. Kennedy and Ted Kennedy.Graduated from University of Wisconsin-Superior with a major in international marketing of fitness and business administration. [1979]Sold his Planet Hollywood stock off and is no longer a part owner of the chain. (2000)The soccer stadium in Graz, Austria (his home town) is named after him.Was considered for the title role in the 1970s TV series "The Incredible Hulk" (1978), but was reportedly deemed not tall enough. His former bodybuilding competitor, Lou Ferrigno, ultimately won the part.After leaving Austria for the first time, he came to England to work, earning under £30 a week.Received an Honorary Doctorate from his alma mater, the University of Wisconsin Superior, in 1996 in recognition of his charitable works.Son-in-law of Sargent Shriver and Eunice Kennedy Shriver.At his bodybuilding peak his chest was 57", waist 34", biceps 22", thighs 28½", calves 20", and his competition weight was 235 lbs (260 lbs off-season).He and Warner Bros. agreed to postpone the release of Collateral Damage (2002) indefinitely in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks on America. The plot centers around a firefighter who lost his family in a terrorist bomb attack. [September 2001]7 September 2001 - Sues International Game Technology for the unauthorized use of his voice and likeness in slot machine games. His lawyer told the press he was seeking $20 million in damages, which is the amount he believes he would have received had he approved the use.Childhood friends stated that he often said his goals in life were to move to America, become an actor, and marry a Kennedy. He accomplished all three.Underwent a genioplasty -- a procedure in which his jaw has been moved back so that it no longer juts out.Was the first private citizen in the U.S. to own a Humvee (High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle).Lobbying in May 2002 to promote anti-juvenile delinquency initiative on California ballot that would commit the state to allocate $400 million for extracurricular activities and tutoring for students, kindergarten through ninth grade.Received an honorary doctorate from Chapman University in Orange, California. [June 2002]Franco Columbu was best man at Arnold's wedding.Underwent surgery for a torn rotator cuff as a result of an injury on the set of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003). Was in a sling for 3-4 weeks, but it was not expected to delay the completion of the movie. [29 January 2003]Ranked #9 in Star TV's Top 10 Box Office Stars of the 1990s (2003).The character Rainier Wolfecastle in "The Simpsons" (1989) is based on him.Won Mr. Olympia title seven times (1970-1975, 1980).James Cameron orginally wanted him for the role of Kyle Reese in The Terminator (1984), but when Arnold walked into the restaurant to meet Cameron about the role, Cameron took one look at him and said "You're a machine!" and that's why he got the role of The Terminator.Announced his candidacy for the Governorship of California on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" (1992) on August 6, 2003.Suffered a back injury (among other various assorted injuries) while filming Conan the Barbarian (1982) when the dogs who were chasing him jumped him from behind and he fell down the rock he was climbing to escape them.In Demolition Man (1993), Sandra Bullock's character Lenina Huxley is telling Sylvester Stallone's character John Spartan about the Arnold Schwarzenegger Presidential Library, explaining that, based on the sheer popularity of Schwarzenegger's movies, a Constitutional amendment was passed in order for Schwarzenegger to run for President, which, according to Huxley, he did. In 2003, ten years after this film's release, Schwarzenegger ran for the office of Governor of California, and won the election on 7 October 2003. While Schwarzenegger is not eligible to run for the presidency by present laws (as a naturalized citizen, not a native-born citizen as required by the Constitution), most past presidents have been governors of their respective home states. Some members of Congress are currently considering an amendment to the Constitution to allow foreign-born US citizens to be allowed to run for the Presidency, specifically with Schwarzenegger in mind, although other members of Congress are strongly opposed to the idea.Had one elder brother, Meinhard (1946-1971).His mother was Aurelia Jadrny (1922 - 2 August 1998) and his father was Gustav Schwarzenegger (Graz, 1907 - 1973), married in Murzsteg, 20 October 1945. His mother's surname is Czech.Was elected Governor of California as a Republican on 7 October 2003.Turned down the role of John McClane in Die Hard (1988). The role went to Bruce Willis instead.TV Guide selected Arnold Schwarzenegger's announcement on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" (1992) to run for Governor of California as the greatest TV moment of 2003.Said that filming the climatic fight at the end of Predator (1987) was made difficult by the fact that the late Kevin Peter Hall, who played the Predator, couldn't see through his mask.Has the record for winning the most major bodybuilding events in history, 13 (1 Mr. Junior Western Europe, 7 Mr. Olympias, and 5 Mr. Universes).After he had started lifting weights as a teenager, he noticed that his body was becoming disproportionate. His arms, shoulders and chest were developing nicely, but his calves and lower legs weren't coming along as he wanted. To motivate himself to work harder on his calves, he cut off all of his pants (trousers) at the knee. Walking around like that, people would look at (and maybe even laugh at) the big man with 'chicken' legs. It worked.His father, Gustav Schwarzenegger, nicknamed him "Cinderella" as a child and his older brother, Meinhard, constantly picked on him growing up. Both men were killed while driving under the influence.Is one of only two actors to appear in all three of the 'Terminator' films (_The Terminator (1984)_ , Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)). The other is Earl Boen who portrayed the character of Dr. Peter Silberman in all three films.Only the second governor in California's history to be born in a foreign country. John Downey, the 7th Governor of California, was born in Ireland and served from 1860-1862.Has his look-alike puppet in the French show _"Guignols de l'info, Les" (1988)_ .Went AWOL from the Austrian army to enter his first bodybuilding contest.Stumped for President George W. Bush the weekend before his re-election in Ohio, as Schwarzenegger has always had a strong relationship with Ohio.He was voted the 53rd Greatest Movie Star of all time by Entertainment Weekly.Has played a character who died in only four of his films: _Terminator, The (1984)_ , Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), End of Days (1999) and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003).Was considered for the role of the gentle giant Fezzik in the 1970s when William Goldman's book "The Princess Bride" was first proposed to be made into a film (The Princess Bride (1987)).Had his first romantic scene in a movie with actress Sandahl Bergman, in Conan the Barbarian (1982).Is good friends with fellow bodybuilder Sven-Ole Thorsen...who, ironically, portrayed "Thorgrim," one of his leading foes in _Conan the Barbarian (1982)_ .Turned down a request to reprise his Conan character in Kull the Conqueror (1997) (originally titled "Conan the Conqueror"). Also, he was supposed to play Conan in Red Sonja (1985), though ultimately, a new character was created who was essentially Conan in everything but name.Is the only person to receive Razzie nominations for Worst Actor, Worst Supporting Actor and Worst Screen Couple (with himself cloned) in the same year. All for the same movie, The 6th Day (2000).In German, the word "schwarzen" means "black," and "egger" means "ploughman." So "Schwarzenegger" is "Black Ploughman."His life strangely mirrors the life of Conan from _Conan the Barbarian (1982)_ . Conan was born in a small village and grew up to be a physically powerful man from years of slavery. After winning great fame as a gladiator, he is given to wine and women, but later rejects this hedonistic lifestyle and goes on to perform great heroic feats, and eventually he is crowned king. Arnold was born in a small Austrian town and took up weightlifting as he got older. After achieving success as a bodybuilder, he indulged in drug abuse and womanizing, but he later rejected this and went on to become a vocal supporter of social causes, and was eventually elected governor of California.Performed many of his own stunts in his films, owing largely to the fact that it was hard to find stunt doubles who matched his size. Billy D. Lucas, Joel Kramer and Peter Kent eventually became his personal stunt doubles and close friends.His famous line "I'll be back", which originated from The Terminator (1984), was originally written as "I'll come back".Initially refused to star in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) because James Cameron, who created the character and directed the first two films, would not be directing the third installment. Arnold tried to persuade Cameron to do the third film but Cameron declined and, feeling that the Terminator character was as much Arnold's as it was his own, Cameron advised Arnold to just do the third film and ask for a lot of money.While filming the behind the scenes documentary for the special edition DVD of Conan the Barbarian (1982), the microphone hit him in the head at the end of the interview, to which he immediately joked "You see, I can't even do an interview about Conan without getting hurt".Addressed the Republican National Convention in 2004.The etymology for Arnold is "Eagle Power."Grew up in a house that had no phone, no fridge and no toilet.Was engaged to Brigitte Nielsen. [1985]Was the spokesperson for Japanese DirecTV, a competitor to Quentin Tarantino's endorsed local satellite TV operator SkyperfecTV.Was considered for the title role in Flash Gordon (1980). The part eventually went to Sam J. Jones instead, because producer Dino De Laurentiis felt Schwarzenegger's German accent was ill-suited for this role. DeLaurentiis (in his heavy Italian accent) told Schwarzenegger, "You have an accent! I cannot use you for Flash Gordon! No! Flash Gordon has no accent! I cannot use you! No!" Ironically, Jones had to temporarily get rid of his own Texas accent for said role.While filming Predator (1987) he became close friends with co- star Jesse Ventura, who was also later elected a state governor (Minnesota).John Milius originally intended him to do the narration of Conan the Barbarian (1982) but the studio didn't trust his accent, so the narration was performed by Mako instead, who played the wizard.Withdrew from the city of Graz the right to use his name in association with its soccer stadium and returned his "Ehrenring" (ring of honor) after some politicians in the town had started a campaign against Schwarzenegger due to his refusal to stop the execution of convicted killer Stanley Tookie Williams (20 December 2005).The Green Party of Austria has resolved to strip Schwarzenegger of his Austrian citizenship due to his support for the death penalty.On 12 December 2005, Governor Schwarzenegger refused to grant clemency to quadruple murderer and former gang leader Stanley Tookie Williams, who had been on Death Row for 24 years.He was soundly defeated on all four propositions of his "special election" in November 2005, which cost the state of California an estimated $45 million. Schwarzenegger accepted personal responsibility for the defeat, and appointed a Democrat as his new Chief of Staff.Second actor to be elected Governor of California. The first was Ronald Reagan.Broke six ribs in a motorcycle crash (December 2001).February 2005 - he and his 12-year old son, Patrick, were injured in a traffic accident when a car ran into Arnold's motorcycle. Patrick was in a sidecar. Arnold received 15 stitches.He has been nominated for a Razzie Award as Worst Actor eight times during his career, and in 2004 received a special award for being the "Worst Razzie Loser of Our First 25 Years."His performance as The Terminator in the "Terminator" films is ranked #40 on Premiere Magazine's 100 Greatest Movie Characters of All Time.Was asked to reprise his "Dutch" character from the first Predator (1987) film for the sequel, but he declined because he didn't like the script. He chose to do Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) instead.Children - Katherine Eunice (b. 1989), Christina Maria Aurelia (b. 1991), Patrick Arnold (b. 1993) and Christopher Sargent (b. 1997).Was asked to appear in a sequel to his 1985 film Commando (1985) but declined.Producer Joel Silver wanted Schwarzenegger to play "Doctor Manhattan" in a film adaptation of Alan Moore's graphic novel Watchmen (2008) at one point.He keeps the sword he used in Conan the Barbarian (1982) in the Governor's office in California.Is a huge fan of professional wrestling.Easily re-elected as Governor of California. [November 7, 2006]He is the first member of the Kennedy family to become a state Governor.Broke his right femur while skiing in Sun Valley, Idaho (23 December 2006).Although German is his native language, all his movies have been dubbed into German by Thomas Danneberg for the German-speaking market because his strong Austrian accent doesn't fit with the type of roles he plays.In 1992 Schwarzenegger joined President George Bush in New Hampshire and asked voters to "send a message to Pat Buchanan: Hasta la vista, baby.".Related to actor George Wyner, who is also a close friend.Early in his career he appeared as a contestant on "The Dating Game" (1965).Was considered for the role of Judge Dredd in Judge Dredd (1995) in the early development stages. The part went to fellow Planet Hollywood founder Sylvester Stallone.Personal Quotes"I was always interested in proportion and perfection. When I was fifteen, I took off my clothes and looked in the mirror. When I stared at myself naked, I realized that to be perfectly proportioned I would need twenty-inch arms to match the rest of me."[Interview in "Starlog" magazine in 1091, explaining his reluctance to do sequels to most of his successful films from the '80s] "There's so little time to do all the things I want to do that I can't see any reason to get bogged down in sequels.""Everything I have ever done in my life has always stayed. I've just added to it...But I will not change. Because when you are successful and you change, you are an idiot.""I know that if you leave dishes in the sink, they get sticky and hard to wash the next day.""I would rather be Governor of California than own Austria.""I love the Hong Kong style of action movies, but that only looks good for small guys. The reason why the whole style was developed over there was because those guys were very puny guys - they're not powerful-looking guys, they're also not powerful guys. There's no weight lifting champion coming out of Hong Kong - maybe in the bantam division or the lightweight division or something like that, but normally you don't have really strong men coming out of there...they had to learn a technique that small people can do that are as effective as the big guy's strength. So that's where the martial arts came from.""In the beginning I was selfish. It was all about, 'How do I build Arnold? How can I win the most Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympic contests? How can I get into the movies and get into business?' I was thinking about myself...As I've grew up, got older, maybe wiser, I think your life is judged not by how much you have taken but by how much you give back."[during his campaign for California governor, about his history of "misbehavior"] "Where I did make mistakes, or maybe go overboard sometimes . . . I regret that. This is a different Arnold."[on his fight scenes with the female T-X in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)] "How many times do you get away with this - to take a woman, grab her upside down and bury her face in a toilet bowl? The thing is you can do it, because, in the end, I didn't do it to a woman - she's a machine. We could get away with it without being crucified by who knows what group."[on his decision to run for governor of California] "It was the most difficult decision in my life - except the one in 1978 when I decided to get a bikini wax."[after being pelted with an egg at a political rally] "This guy owes me bacon can't have egg without bacon."[responding to criticism during a televised debate] "I just realized I have the perfect part for you in Terminator 4."[victory speech after having won election as Governor of California] "I will not fail, I will not disappoint you, I will not let you down.""The worst I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.""There's a lot of people who want me to get out of acting and want me to run for governor. I think it's mostly movie critics.""You have to remember something: Everybody pities the weak; jealousy you have to earn.""I took more abuse in Predator (1987) than I did in Conan the Barbarian (1982). I fell down that waterfall [forty feet] and swam in this ice-cold water for days and for weeks was covered in mud. It was freezing in the Mexican jungle. They had these heat lamps on all the time, but they were no good. If you stayed in front of the lamps, the mud dried. Then, you had to take it off and put new mud on again. It was a no-win situation. The location was tough. Never on flat ground. Always on a hill. We stood all day long on a hill, one leg down, one leg up. It was terrible".[referring to Democrats at a political rally in Ontario, California, in 2004] "If they don't have the guts to come up here in front of you and say, 'I don't want to represent you, I want to represent those special interests, the unions, the trial lawyers . . . if they don't have the guts, I call them girlie men."[at the 3004 Republican National Convention] "Speaking of acting, one of my movies was called True Lies (1994). It's what the Democrats should have called their convention.""President Bush knows you can't reason with people that are blinded by hate. But let me tell you something: Their hate is no match for our decency, their hate is no match for the leadership and the resolve of George W. Bush".[Talking about his Conan the Barbarian (1982) director]: "John Milius used to call himself the dog trainer. Guess who were the dogs?".[From an interview about his reaction to reading the original The Terminator (1984) screenplay] "I have read a lot of action adventure scripts, and this definitely was one of the best. I knew that I wanted to play the part of the Terminator as soon as I started reading."[About being taken seriously]: "I don't care. The important thing to me is that I'm doing work that people enjoy out there, that the movie makes good money, that the studio makes the money back, and that I'm having a great time at what I'm doing. I don't even consider myself serious. So how do I expect people to take me serious? I think this whole Hollywood thing has to be taken much looser... it's just entertainment.""There were various stepping-stones in my career. One of them was Conan the Barbarian (1982), because it was the first time I did a film with that kind of budget and I had the title role. The next big stepping-stone was The Terminator (1984). With "The Terminator", I think people became aware of the fact that I didn't really have to take my shirt off or run around and expose my muscles in order to sell tickets. After I did "The Terminator" and we had seen it be more successful than the Conan films, people then sent me a variety of different kinds of scripts - all in the action-adventure genre, but they were not muscle movies or Viking movies or pirate movies or anything like that."[Talking about playing the Terminator]: "I had to act like a cyborg, which meant I couldn't show any kind of human fear or reaction to the fire, explosions, or gunfire that was going off around me. That can be difficult when you're walking through a door with its frame on fire, trying to reload a gun, and at the same time thinking in the back of your mind that people have accidents doing these kinds of stunts and that it might be my turn."[About more sequels to The Terminator (1984)] "I don't necessarily want to leave the magic of the 'Terminator' movies behind, and who says we have to? According to what we know about the future, there were hundreds of Terminators built. The story of the Terminator could go on forever."[From an interview expressing concern over making Conan the Destroyer (1984) less brutal than its predecessor, Conan the Barbarian (1982)] "I think it's a mistake. I know Sylvester Stallone made an extra $20 million because he got a PG rating for Rocky III (1982), but it's a matter of how much you want to stay within the character's reality. Can you slaughter people and never see blood? Is it possible? You must have battles. That's part of life, war, and the world of Conan."[Talking about director Richard Fleischer]: "The first day Fleischer came to see me work out, he told me, 'Arnold, could you put on some more muscles?' I couldn't believe it! It turned out that Fleischer thought [John Milius'] decision to keep Conan clothed throughout the first film was a mistake. Fleischer believes that people want to see my body much more often than they did the first time around, so they will. I spend most of my time in Conan the Destroyer (1984) fighting off people while I'm dressed in a loincloth."[About the dog accident while making Conan the Barbarian (1982)] "One of them hit me too soon. It caught me off guard and I went right over the ledge. I fell ten feet and landed on my back. I was covered with scratches and bruises. It was probably a pretty good beginning for this movie, though. It set the tone for the whole time we were there. This was going to be fun . . . but dangerous."[Talking about director John Milius]: "There never would have been a Conan movie without him."[on Warren Beatty] "There are some people who are close to him that say he is just starving for attention, and that's the way he gets attention. Other people said, 'Look, he's not working and he just feels like he should maybe get involved in politics'. Instead, I just think that maybe he is jealous that I did jump in. I find it silly, because I respect his work.""Well, I think because a lot of people don't know why I'm a Republican, I came first of all from a socialistic country which is Austria and when I came over here in 1968 with the presidential elections coming up in November, I came over in October, I heard a lot of the press conferences from both of the candidates, [Hubert H. Humphrey] and [Richard Nixon], and Humphrey was talking about more government is the solution, protectionism, and everything he said about government involvement sounded to me more like Austrian socialism. Then when I heard Nixon talk about it, he said open up the borders, the consumers should be represented there ultimately and strengthen the military and get the government off our backs. I said to myself, 'What is this guy's party affiliation?' I didn't know anything at that point. So I asked my friend, 'What is Nixon?' He's a Republican. And I said, 'I am a Republican'. That's how I became a Republican."[On refusing to grant clemency to condemned killer Stanley Tookie Williams] "After studying the evidence, searching the history, listening to the arguments and wrestling with the profound consequences, I could find no justification for granting clemency. The facts do not justify overturning the jury's verdict, or the decisions of the courts in this case."[After undergoing heart surgery in 1997] "We made, actually, history, because it was the first time ever that doctors could prove that a lifelong Republican has a heart.""As a kid - as a kid I saw socialist - the socialist country that Austria became after the Soviets left. Now don't misunderstand me: I love Austria and I love the Austrian people. But I always knew that America was the place for me. In school, when the teacher would talk about America, I would daydream about coming here. I would daydream about living here. I would sit there and watch for hours American movies, transfixed by my heroes, like John Wayne. Everything about America -- Everything about America seemed so big to me, so open, so possible.""I have no sexual standards in my head that say this is good or this is bad. Homosexual - that only means to me that he enjoys sex with a man and I enjoy sex with a woman. It's all legitimate to me.""I didn't think about money. I thought about the fame, about just being the greatest. I was dreaming about being some dictator of a country or some savior like Jesus.""I'm 6' 2". I've heard rumors that I'm really much shorter in real life - like 5' 6" or something like that - which is ridiculous. I can assure you this is not the case. People look up to me, and not just because I do a lot of work in the community. I mean, most people really look up to me.""California will not wait for our federal government to take strong action on global warming. We won't wait for the federal government. We will move forward because we know it's the right thing to do. We will lead on this issue and we will get other western states involved. I think there's not great leadership from the federal government when it comes to protecting the environment.""Money doesn't make you happy. I now have $50 million but I was just as happy when I had $48 million.""I have to give the audiences what they enjoy seeing while I try to bring in a little something new, with different movies, different time periods and all those things. But what's important is to entertain the people -- everything else means nothing." (from a 1987 interview)SalaryTerminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) $30,000,000 Collateral Damage (2002) $25,000,000 The 6th Day (2000) $25,000,000 End of Days (1999) $25,000,000 Batman & Robin (1997) $25,000,000 Jingle All the Way (1996) $20,000,000 Eraser (1996) $20,000,000 Junior (1994) $15,000,000 True Lies (1994) $15,000,000 Last Action Hero (1993) $15,000,000 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) $15,000,000 Kindergarten Cop (1990) $12,000,000 The Terminator (1984) $75,000 Conan the Barbarian (1982) $250,000
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